
Honestly, Where do you think Federers career is heading?

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This has been a nagging thought of mine and ive been hearing so many different things. The guys getting old. People are catching up to him. He lost to Djokovic at the Australian and Nadal has pretty much passed him on grass and hes still untouchable on clay and both are continuing to improve. What more does federer have left after this year. Hes past his peak. Hes obviously on the downside of his career. He hasnt won anything big in a while. And he still has no coach. Or at least he didnt have one during wimbledon.

And I personally think that a lot of people arent ready to see federer go down all of a sudden, but its bound to happen and maybe that time is now... What do you think.




  1. OK

    Roger is 26 years of age. There's no way his career is over.

    He sailed through to the Wimbledon final without dropping a set. Rafa beat him and deservedly so in a superb final, in which Roger fought Rafa to the end.

    Roger's career is most certainly not over. I think he is probably very frustrated at the minute but he is a champion athlete. He has the strength of character, the strength of a champion I think to bounce back from these losses. Remember some are calling him the best player in the history of the sport and I don't think he's ready to stop yet! He wants to break even more records.

    By the way I'm a RAFA fan so I'm not biased towards Federer at all! It's going to be so exciting watching these two great player battle it out for years to come.

  2. I think it is still too early to call time Federer's career. A lot will depend on how he does in the US Open but at Wimbledon, although Nadal did defeat him, the closeness of the final shows that Federer was not far off and certainly should not be written off in next year's tournament.

  3. But he is still beating them and reaching FINALS of the grandslam!! He's just in a little slump...he had mono a couple months ago and is finally getting back together...GO FEDERER! :)

  4. First off, I'm a Rafa fan so I have a natural dislike against Federer. But really, Federer's career being over? Not likely. He'll be around for a few more years.

    He's had a bad year, yes. But that should be more attributed to less than perfect health and better, more experienced competitors. He's lost all three slams so far. However, look at his losses. SF in Australia, losing to Djokovic, the eventual winner. Finalist at the French. Finalist and almost winner at Wimbledon. Yeah, it if were any other player, even Nadal, we'd be spouting what a great year it's been for the guy.

    Now, do I think Federer will ever get a calendar slam? No. His last chance for that would have been '07. Will Federer ever get a career slam? Not likely unless something happens to Rafa. Right now, gotta admit, Federer's one of the best on clay but with Rafa in the mix, might as well count the French out for just about everyone.

    Do I think Federer will win a few more slams before he retires? Definitely. I have a feeling he'll end up tying or just going over Sampras' record of 14. I could see Federer ending up with 16 or so slams to his name.

    Watch this year's U.S. Open. Federer's going to want at least one slam to his name for '08. Watch the Australian. He'll want his title back. Watch him fail at the French again. Watch him fight for Wimbledon. Actually, especially watch Wimbledon next year.

    I have a feeling '09 is going to bring us a new Federer, one who is actually motivated to win instead of just keeping the status quo.

  5. i really think his career is dead.

    lost to DJOKEovic at the AO

    Nadal at the French again

    and even got dethroned on grass.

    Nadal's just entering his prime and for him to already win 4 FO's and taking wimby away from federer?

    the only success i see federer having any chance of even possibly winning again are the AO and the USO

  6. i think his career is on downslide

  7. federer is a great player no dought about it and people should know that even though he loses to nadal dousn't mean that he dousn't deserve being number one. i think its to soon to know where his tennis career is going but i think it will be a while before federer startes dropping substantialy

  8. On clay, no one is going to beat Rafael Nadal. On grass, Roger Federer still has a chance. I mean he lost in 5 sets and the fifth set was really close, so it could go either way. On hard court, it is going to be between Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic. Rafael Nadal doesn't do well on hard surface. Roger Federer is no longer dominating like he did last year but I wouldn't bet against him win another GrandSlam or two just yet.

  9. I think he still has 5-7 years and maybe more, but he might not be number one by then. Nadal will probably take it!

  10. Completely downhill. Now that he's lost the French, Australian, AND Wimbledon, he has so little confidence to win the US Open this year. I think Djokovic will take it, and if it's not him it's Nadal.

  11. he still a great tennis player....he just lose to the champion....nothing cant complain about his performance this yr....great fighter...just love him...

  12. Down hill he has lost his touch especially against nadal can't see him beating nadal too often no whe has lost wimbledon to him. But you no he had a fantastic five year period so maybe his time is running out but he will still play for sure but i think if its him and nadal in finals nadal will beat him

  13. Rafa is only 22

    Federer is 26

    Federer only had 1 grand slam title when he was 22

    Rafa already has 5 and he is still improving

    Rafa will possibly be the best of all time

    But this doesn't mean this has to be the end for Federer

    He could learn from his loss and maybe in the future come out much better

    who knows...

  14. well, you cannot say that someone who has made 2 grand slam finals and a semi final of the other in a year has past his peak. just goes to show what high standards Roger has been playing at. for me he is just a victim of his own high standards which of course has led the other guys to step up. so lets give credit to the likes of Nadal and Djokovic who have stepped up to the challenge. lets not forget also that Federer had a bout of glandular fever at the start of the season and thats gonna take a chunk of your energy levels. so lets not be too quick to predict his fall.

  15. I maybe thought so at one point after RG, but after seeing him play at Wimbledon final I know I am wrong. That match was possible the best match I ever saw ( and I watched a lot of tennis), he was playing great, he came back after 2;0, it would be fair if he won that match, they both deserved it imo. He still has the game, just Rafa is improving and winning slams won't be so easy as it was before. And tbh after seeing those 2 playing ( Federer and Nadal) I don't think Djokovic is any threat to them. Federer won't go down, maybe he lost his 1st place to Nadal, but that's all, those 2 are just to good for anyone else in men's tennis. I am pretty sure we will be seeing much more of Federer vs. Nadal finals in next few years, Nadal just need to get use to hard courts and we can even see US Open final as good as this one ( I just hope Federer will win it:P)

  16. Semis at the A.O. , Finals at French, Finals at Wimby. What a sucky year for him.

    Honestly, did you see the amazing tennis he played at the Wimbledon final?  It was electrifying. Coming back from 2 sets down against Rafa isn't the easiest thing to do.

    As for his tennis career I will leave you with a quote from a German newspaper a day after the match:

    "The Swiss is too motivated, too talented, too strong, too fit, too professionally organized and too proud to give up working toward winning the biggest titles,"

  17. I think his career is following the standard path.  Most of the greats of the past hit their peaks around 26-27 and after that won a couple of slams, but that's usually when their domination ended.  It was a formula that McEnroe, Borg, Lendl, Sampras followed so I think Federer is simply doing the same.  

    I don't necessarily think he's done, but I do think that he will not get the same domination back.  The biggest problem for Federer will be that he's not very strong mentally.  It took him a while to believe in himself and once he did that, he reached his peak and remained there for 4 years.  Now that he's losing, his confidence could shatter and he could start defeating himself more and more often causing a lot more losses.

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