
Honestly, do I look pretty? (pics)?

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I am 14, and going to be a freshman. I really want to have a good year, and looking good is something I would like to do.




  1. your pretty..i don't know what your talking look talented...

  2. you look cute, but don't put your pics out there for everyone to see, you never know who might look at them. no offence to everybody with a no bad intentions.

  3. You look 14. Don't get too hang up with looks though.

  4. sorry, im not gonna lie, you are not that attractive

  5. I agree, the eyebrows need a little work done on `em

  6. I would say yes, very pretty. I'd also say you look older than 14, but I'm not sure you would think that's good or bad!

    But yeah, if i were closer to your age, I'd be glad to be seen out with you.

  7. You look fine,your a perfect young all American girl,keep your head up

  8. well, that explains why this is in the Marriage section....

    you look like a Freshman.  happy?  I'll tell you what, though.  if you actually PUT this into the right section, you'll get more answers...

  9. Your name says it: Bella is "pretty" in Italian.  You could use some professional assistance in learning the best use of makeup, and y'might consider a new hair style - and you surely can find more flattering clothes than you're wearing in those pics.  

    But all that costs money, and right now, you look just fine.  As you grow older, you'll likely become even prettier.  Getting good grades and graduating should be your first priority - there'll be plenty of time to work on your image.  

  10. you better get to the gym

  11. Something needs to be done with those brows.  

  12. not a good place to ask. You will most likely be put down. I suggest you ask friends and family.  

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