
Honestly, do you let your toddler drink soda?

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Honestly, do you let your toddler drink soda?




  1. I will give it, in certain situations...BUT, I make sure I water it down. Half sippy cup of water, half soda.  

  2. I have seen many parents give their toddlers soda but in most cases it's just a sip or two because the toddler always wants what the parent is drinking !  

  3. A little bit of soda wont hurt but I don't suggest it, they will want it all the time after you give them some and its very bad for their tiny sensitive teeth.

  4. no, my toddler does not "drink" soda.  I do not give it to him in his sippy cup, or any cup for that matter..  However, I do give him sips from my cup every once in a while because of the face he makes when we give it to him...looks like his taking a shot of whisky lol.  He doesn't even like it, once he realizes what it is he doesn't want to go back for more lol.

  5. I am not a mother yet, but I do let my little cousins (ages 1 1/2 - 4+) drink soda. It doesn't seem to harm them in any way. I usually just give them sprite!  

  6. no way

  7. my little niece drank it all the time to the point where she didn't want water milk or juice ever and at the tender age of four she already has cavities. i may give my son a bit every now and then but i don't want to make it a habit. so kinda like a special treat, like getting a candy bar or something of the sort

  8. oh my goodness no! I don't even let my 10 year old!

  9. no its not good for them in any way

    them get bloated and it rots their teeth etc

    not good in conclusion

  10. No, there is no nutrtional value to soda and it causes gas, gas causes bloating and can be painful for smaller children, the bloating also causes pressure on the bladder causing "accidents" for those who are trying to potty train.  My kids are older than toddlers and they don't drink soda.  

  11. No

  12. way. I don't even drink soda...let alone my daughter

  13. Yes, a sip or two isn't going to do any harm, nor is giving them a four ounce glass with dinner.  Come on, how common was it for our parents or their parents to allow a sip of beer, just for a taste?  Soda is just not that bad...

  14. Honestly - yes I gave my 2 year old some coke when I was drinking it.  Saying that, only a sip from time to time.  But she loves the stuff!

    Mostly she drinks water and eats lots of fruit and vegetables.  I don't feel like a bad mother.

  15. i have a 3 year old step daughter and a 6 year old step son (and one on the way)....

    the 6 year old, i believe, it's ok every now and then, as long as it's caffine free. but we mostly give him water, milk, or juice(watered down).

    i do not agree with giving the 3 year old any soda!!! a couple of sips of daddy's sprite or ginger ale every once in  a while is ok. but when people think it's ok to give their child a whole can, and give it to them all the time....i think is disgusting! as parents, you should be teaching your children about eating healthy.  soda is not healthy at all!!!!! and honestly, i believe it's one of the top reasons americans are considered "over weight".  

    i wish i was never introduced to soda as a child! i'd be much healthier myself!

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