
Honestly, do you think Global Warming will greatly affect our lives in the near future?

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I've kind of been teeter-tottering this thought.

I'm thinkin' like it could but then again not so much.

The media has been enforcing the fact that Global warming is happening right now but, in reality you really don't hear about it too much. So it's just hard to get inside your head...

Are polar bears dying out there? And is anyone trying to help them?! Cause the last thing I heard, the ice was melting and numerous polar bears were dying because they couldn't find ice to get up on.

I'm taking AP Environmental Science and we do talk about Global Warming a lot. It pretty much evolves around the topic.

I'm a visual person and I need to see things to believe it. Like, I have to see it in person, or on video, anything but pictures, graphs, or words.




  1. if not us surely many other life forms

    and if we have resulted in pollution and harm....... we have to stop it from influencing and harming any other species

    and i guess it will effect us as extinction of species may lead to a bad affect on the energy flow chain or food chain

    the balance of nature is already so effected ........... if this continues ........... then the result won't be good

  2. Yep, it's gonna get soooooo hot!

  3. It has affected our lives greatly already.  10,000 years ago, a mile of solid ice covered land where we now farm and build homes.  New York was under a solid glacier.  So was London.

    Global Warming has driven the glaciers back thousands of miles and given us lots of new space to live and grow food and enjoy ourselves.

    10,000 years ago, even the polar bears had to contend with a warming Earth.  They simply moved north along with the ice.  And I'm sure the grizzly bears enjoy having lots of new habitat!

  4. Watch "An Inconvenient Truth". It has every evidence you need in there.

    And, yeah, it WILL affect us greatly. Just watch it, you'll find out EVERYTHING about Global Warming.

  5. This is the 8th coldest Feb. on record in upper michigan, and snow up to yer ***, i think global warming would be a godsend.

  6. Polar bears are doing just fine. In fact, populations are growing.

    Aaron B.,

    Katrina? Have storms gotten worse in the past few years? The hurricane season has practically been non-existent for two years, and you are still saying stronger storms are being caused by global warming. If you would like more information on the so-called recent "outbreak" of stronger storms, I suggest looking at the work of Christopher Landsea. It has more to do with better instrumental data, rather than a rise in strength and frequency of hurricanes.


    Is that a joke about AIT? The movie is so full of inaccuracies that I don't know how anyone can take it seriously.

    It is unlikely that warming will have any immediate, or catastrophic, consequences. Even if the warming does occur as projected, which it likely won't, the warming will hardly be catastrophic.

    I direct you to a new refereed study by Spencer et al, that has to do with an influential negative feedback, perhaps even a negative net feedback, with a raise in CO2--it is pretty groundbreaking stuff. Obviously it means a highly reduced climate sensitivity, and if studied further could basically discount any chance of catastrophe. All current climate models are based upon the assumption that the net feedback from raised CO2 levels is positive, and this is what the new study sets out to disprove. You could say that it is evidence for Linzen's "infrared iris" hypothesized in the early 90's--essentially natures air conditioner:

  7. I like to think not, but I've seen springtime come nearly three months early this year in California!

    Look at our recent natural disasters... Midwest storms this year, more deadly hurricane seasons, Katrina, hotter summers.

    You are in the minority worldwide if you don't think so.

  8. Oh young information seeker - good for you for seeking this out on your own and please, please, please do not try to get your information on global warming from our mainstream television media.  You will get anything but the real picture.

    I would suggest that if you are truly interested in learning more that you seek out several different print sources, whose contents you can access online through their archives.  You can start mainstream print like National Geographic and work your way to more advanced publications like those managed by the AGU or the American Geophysical Union - heavy stuff (

    For example, check out a 2007 article at Nat'l Geo called the Big Thaw:

    If you want some visuals, you will find it there.  Not only will you see some serious melting going on, there are some very alarming statistics as well.  Next, do some research on glacier melting in N & S America - very scary.  The skiing industry in South America is being decimated by global warming.  Oh wait...there is no such thing.  This is just a normal "earth phase".  Yeah right - look at the rate of change in the last 50-100 years.  Phases are gradual - read up and look into the data.  It speaks for itself.

    Seek out the truth - it is not on the far left or the far right...truth is in the middle.  Do not pay attention to Bill or Glenn or anyone else on mainstream idiotvision.  Read up, learn the truth and draw your own conclusions.  You will be surprised what you find!

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