
Honestly, do you think that honesty would work?

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Ive been thinking about this alot lately. I consider myself an honest person and Ive been having trouble accepting all the lies that surround me daily.

I found this article... and although I'm not religious I find what he says very similiar to what I have been trying to explain to my friends and family.

Do you really think this would work? On a global level... if everyone could intertwine love, kindness and honesty to make it a tool of communication not a tool to hurt. I fully admit using honesty to hurt, and then feeling self rightious because I didn't lie but none the less if the perceptions of truth could be changed do you think that it be easier for people to accept truth, good and bad?




  1. Honesty is good. However, how the truth is delivered is another matter. And you have to be a good observer for those who really to accept the truth right now. If they are not, just change subject.

  2. Honesty has brought me lots of pain. If the world was a fair place telling the truth wouldn't be a liabillity.

    I think if everyone was honest it would work. I think the world would be a much better place if everyone was honest and the change has to start from within, but I also think it will take a long long time to have an effect on the world, but you have to perservere. It's not easy and I don't know if it will get any easier in our lifetimes.

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