So, my friend came over to my house yesterday. And to say the least, she doesn't agree of how I treat my cats. And I don't get why, My cats are spoiled rotten, they get the run of hte house, have food and fresh water at all times. Their litter box is changed daily, sometimes every other day. Depends. My one cat got blocked, so we spent $1200 on him for surgery and such.
Now, this is what she saw me do. My one cat, (Shredder) he likes to chew on this basket we have. So I kind of 'hiss' at him in a sense, I make a sharp 's' sound with him. and he knows to get away from it. So MY cat sylvester, who is very respectful of people and me, he kept trying to get out on the deck while I was going in and out on it to get on my grill. So when he did get out, I picked him out, put him inside, I tapped his noise and said "No." And when I say tapped, I don't mean hit or anything, I tap his noise gently and he gets it. He also was eating something off the ground, another time that night, so I gave him a little shove with my foot. I didn't kick him or anything. Just gave him a small shove to get him away from it. And from these two things I did to Sylvester that night, she said she'd report me to the humane socitey for abuse to my animals. --;; Now honestly, am I abusing them in any way shape or form? I think they are pretty d**n spoiled actualy.