
Honestly, does anyone know what happens if you don't pay a speeding ticke in las vegas nevada?

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Honestly, does anyone know what happens if you don't pay a speeding ticke in las vegas nevada?




  1. Your license will be revoked and a warrant for your arrest will be issued.

  2. Same thing that happens everywhere.  

    1) you don't pay the fine.

    2) you get sent a letter stating you did not pay, with some more information stating that a late fee will be assessed

    3) happens again, bigger late fee

    4) happens yet again, bigger late fee and a wanring that a warrant could be issued for your arrest

    5) criminal warrant issued for an ordinance violation (which is dumb to let it go that far)

    6) arrested and taken to jail for the night until you go to court or pay bail

    All this is assuming you are in the area that you got the ticket.  If you were from a different state the same would occur, but extradition is EXTREMELY unlikely.  Your financial history could be affected, and you could get stopped by the police due to the fact that if they run your license the warrant would pop up.  Not all warrants have extradition comments added that the patrol officers can see.  Which could mean short but repeated stops to your local jail until they verified that you would not be extradited.

    So long answer to a short question.

  3. If you don't send in payment then on your court day you are found guilty via a directed verdict (assuming you are a no show).  If this is your first ticket problem the judge will issue a bench warrant equal to the amount of the ticket fine.

    This means if you get pulled over again you could be held in jail until you pay the warrant off.  This is true in any state NV has resiprosity with, which is probably 45 states.

    If you do't get pulled over, the next time you renew your car registration or driver's license you will be denied until you pay up.

    Most jurisdictions won't hold you until you have a warrant that exceeds a certain about like $1000 or $2500.  So you could have several tickets out there when some rookie cop decides to arrest you and there you sit until you pay the tickets and face the magistrate or judge and pay him for his troubles too.

    Or you could just pay the ticket, slow down and avoid the whole mess.

  4. See his/her answer below me

    above  ^^^^^^^^

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