
Honestly, don't many westernized women in healthy homes independent abilities?

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You ever hear about those suburban kids who has two parents, one or two other siblings who are very successful and rich who live in a successful neighborhood where there is no violence and who never had to struggle...and those same suburban kids talk about how hard their life has they have been raised by the they have to raise themselves...You know..the bullcrapping wanna be hard knock people?

Can I call some of these women, who claimed to be discriminated against, liars? Women who have the ability to choose what she wants to be and how she wants to live...women who have a more than loving mother and father along with siblings (maybe..maybe not)...women who has lived a life without any worry~~~Can I say the same thing about these type of women who lie about how hard they have had it while growing up?

And please don't tell me these women don't exist. It makes me wonder ya many people lie about this c**p.




  1. I grew up in a fairly comfortable and stable home and yet I can honestly say I've faced discrimination. It's nothing that I can't rise above or really be damaged by, but it is there.

    Yes some women might whine about how hard their life is when it really isn't. Men can do that do. But I don't think your comparison here is valid. I've had a good life and I wouldn't trade it, but that doesn't mean a woman still doesn't get looked down on for speaking her mind, lose job opportunities or be the victims of violence by males.

  2. I'd have to know what spurred you to ask this question.

    I have seen some men and women lie about such things, but not many.

  3. Of course you can call women who lie liars, as long as you don't extrapolate from that to say all women are liars and there is no such thing as discrimination.

  4. I don't think it's cool to lie about who you are and where you came from. It shapes us. It defines us.

    You know what though? You never know what goes on behind closed doors. Every family, yes, every family, has some sort of skeleton(s) in their closet(s). Every family has had some sort of trials and tribulations in their history of being a family. While it may not be true that these middle classed white kids were "slanging and banging" and "hustling the streets" or are actually "hard knock" it may be true that they were beaten or abused, or grew up with an alcoholic father. They might have grown up with a parent with a mental illness, or who raped them, anything is possible.

    What is traumatizing to you is not the same for me, or for your neighbour, or for those suburban children with seemingly perfect lives.

    You can't tell by my skin colour, my wage, the car I drive, or the neighborhood I grew up in, what kind of life I might have had. Again, it's not cool to lie about who you are, but it's also not cool for us to judge them as we literally have no idea what went on behind their closed doors.

  5. While I haven't heard any of those kids since they were...well kids, I would agree with you to an extent.  There is sexism out there and people are discriminated against, but there are also people out there looking for it, making things out to be something they are not.  This goes for many forms of discrimination, not just sexism towards women.

  6. You may be onto something Bryan, however, like you said, this is hardly limited to women.

    Like this one jackass who thinks he had it terrible growing up, when he actually got basically what he wanted, he came from an above average income family, they had alot of luxury.

    I also know of several women who haven't even tried to get an education or a job, and they sit around and complain about the "glass ceiling" for women.

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