
Honestly, if Russia and the U.S. squared off on the battlefield right now, who would win?

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No other allies involved just America vs Russia head-head. Anyway, I think we'll be revisiting Cold War discussions again in a few months. Russia sure seems irked for some reason. Should be interesting for the next prez.




  1. I'd say Russia  Their weapons are superior to ours.  The majority of our Air Force is from the 1970s ( f-15 f-16 and the navy's f-14)  Our principal bomber is from the 1950s (b-52)  Our only current fighter the f-22 is way over cost in price at around 2 billion per plane  Where the Russians state of the art plane only cost them 36 million per plane.  Are we pricing ourselves out of defense of our country?  The B-2 bomber which is our most current bomber costs 2.7 billion per plane.  People should start buying Russian for dummies if Mccain wins in November

  2. Russia---America's A-teams are otherwise occupied so if this was to go down RIGHT NOW Russia would have the obvious edge.

  3. NOBODY.  That's why we need a strong President to keep the Russians in line.

  4. Russia american is too thin so if they try to beat russia they will be kicked from iraq and afghanistan

  5. Russia.  They beat those US Georgian trained troops in a few days.

    Russia would suffer heavily from US air power but Russia would win hands down one on one with US ground troops.

  6. Russia

    the reason why I say that is because our troops are all over the place we don't have enough left here.....unless the draft was reinstated....

  7. This question is no-brainer.  US of course.  US could even win even if it would be against the whole army of the world.

  8. If we are talking right now, the US would win hands down. People saw the state of the Russian army in Georgia, they were in horrible shape. They were a shadow of their former soviet union self. I don't know why people think we are stretched thin. While it is true that we have forces in Iraq, keep in mind that we have bases throughout Europe, and  more than enough troops in the US and troops at the bases there to take down the Russians. We have about 1/5 of our military personal in Iraq, we still have plenty of room to spare (especially our navy and airforce). Russia could not own the skies, they would be ours in any engagement, as well as the sea. We are not known to have the best navy and airforce in the world for nothing. With that, it becomes simple to just mop them up.

    Leon M- don't compare US and Georgian troops, you just are not right. If you own the skies, you most likely will own the ground.

  9. probably Russia based on the history. the weapons doesn't matters but the people that matters.

  10. No one ever "wins" a war.

  11. Who knows? We both have resources ( bad for everybody ) that we don't know about.  Nobody  wins. But because the USA is a different continent we probably come out more intact. After all is done, Europe would  TRY to take over the area . I say Europe only because  of the EU which is trying to become a unified government for the region. I predict it will fail. As I believe it should. If it could work they would have made it do so .

  12. no one. We'd all be dead

    but the USA has 300 Million people and Russia only has like 145 million

  13. of course russia, they invaded georgie in 2 days and it took us forever to invade iraq and considering georgia military is supplied by the americans.  

  14. America for sure. No matter how big Russia is, they don't stand a chance. I'm all American!

  15. Right now with the troops in Iraq? Depends, I don't think Russia would be to afraid to use their nukes. And they have more than you.

  16. Depends on where the battlefield is. I would Russia would win since our military is stretched so thin.

  17. Russia has very few well-trained troops, and their equipment lags a generation behind.  Notice how they were stealing U.S. Humvees in Georgia.  Although a lot of damage was done to the U.S. military during the presidency of Bill Clinton, George Bush - the guy everyone loves to hate - has repaired a lot of the damage, and the U.S. military is now stronger than ever.

  18. I think, hope and pray, that Russia would gain the upper hand, since Russians have more case to fight for, but less to lose. Besides, US troops-of today, not of the WWs-are too spoiled to seriously fights such a war. But such a war, God forbid, would only bring destruction to both countries. So let's do everything to prevent it.

  19. I'd bet on the U.S. but it would be tuff row to hoe. Go back and see what we had in our arsenal and military before Bill Clinton gutted it. You have to remember he loathed the military and all it stood for back then. I'd bet money Russia didn't gut their arsenal and military back then, what would you bet?  

  20. Russia. They have the moral high ground. Georgia was the aggressor no matter how much the media propaganda twists things, and south ossetia has been autonomous for 17 years. How can the west scream free Tibet but force south ossetia under a regime that would slaughter their people at will. Give me a break.

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