
Honestly, is brown sugar healthier than white sugar?

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Or is just one of the stigmas?




  1. brown sugar is healthier than white suger

  2. I would go with cakes on this. We must also remember that bakes a lot and have the advantages of checking those small things we overlook on this issue.

    Thanks cakes. Highly informative information that I didn't know. Makes a heck of a sense.

  3. "It is often said that brown sugar is a healthier option than white sugar. But you can chalk that up to clever marketing or plain and simple illusion. In reality, brown sugar is most often ordinary table sugar that is turned brown by the reintroduction of molasses. Normally, molasses is separated and removed when sugar is created from sugar cane plants."

  4. Yes, Tsepo is right. But the only thing unrefined that is better is food.

  5. It does have slightly higher levels of a couple of minerals, but basically, yeah, it's still just sugar.

  6. I don't believe so. Sugar is sugar is sugar. Any excessive amount is bad. I believe that they carry the same amount of kjs in one teaspoon.

  7. yes brown sugar is healthier than white, it is because i watch in the tv that sugar has many process and this one of the many process they do is the white sugar(to become white) as opposed to brown sugar..

    their both healthy but you can also get diabetes on it. remember sugar are the root of all the sweet flavors.

  8. Brown sugar is no healthier than white sugar.  It's all sugar.  Here are the nutritional facts:  (1)

    Sugar, granulated:

    Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

    Energy   390 kcal  

    Carbohydrates   99.98 g

    Sugars, brown:

    Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

    Energy   380 kcal  

    Carbohydrates    97.33 g (2)

    Here, in a nutshell, are the explanations of the different types of sugars:

    White sugar:

    White sugar is derived from the juice of sugar cane and sugar beets. Once extracted, the sugar cane or sugar beet juice is processed extensively to produce a white, granulated substance.

    Raw sugar:

    Raw sugar is produced in the initial stages of white sugar’s manufacturing process. Raw sugar is coarser than white sugar, and is brownish in color. (Another variety is Demerera sugar, made from sugar cane.)

    Brown sugar:

    Brown sugar is made by adding molasses to white sugar.

  9. no it is true brown sygar is helalthy that white just like brow rice is healthyer than white just like wheat bread is healthyer that white

  10. If you are talking about the brown sugar that one buys in shops that is as "dry" as white sugar, then NO, it is just coloured sugar.

    Real brown sugar, that is only slightly healthier than white sugar, is a moist product that does not "flow" off the spoon, It remains in a sort of lumpy shape.  This is because the sugar is straight from the molasses and has not been refined and bleached as white sugar is.

    But, healthier is honey, or absolutely no sweet things (I suppose we all know that!)

  11. Looks like all these brown things are healthier, like brown bread versus white.

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