
Honestly, what kind of job can a high school dropout get? List as many as you can? Do yo need a hs diploma?

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to work in a department store?




  1. Generally you would need a diploma or GED to work at most places.  You would probably need a diploma or GED to work at most department stores.  My cousin doesn't have a diploma or anything and he works at a hog farm-gets paid about 25,000 a year.  I can't really think of any other places off hand.  

  2. There is no legitimate job an inexperienced high school dropout can get in North America that will pay enough to rent a decent apartment, put food on the table and buy a few clothes -- never mind buy or operate a vehicle and enjoy some occasional entertainment.  The few exceptions to this are:  some tough, dirty jobs in the oil field and, I suppose, working in a strip club .

    In Alberta, Canada, where the economy is booming and anyone that can walk can get a job, it's possible to get by -- while the boom continues for a few years.  Some unskilled people working in the kitchens in the big (remote) oil sands camps for Imperial Oil or Syncrude bring home up to $3,000.00 a month and eat very well. (The food is generally better than you can get in any 5 star restaurant.)  But the social life is Nil.

    I know one girl with just a basic grade 12 who lucked out and got picked to operate an ore truck.  Her basic training I think was playing video games -- and she brings home $60,000/year.  But she's native and used to living in the Ft. McMurray area.  (Even people working for McDonalds make $15/hr there -- but then they still can't afford the rents and wind up bunking 4 or 5 to a pad.)

    Anyway, unless you're prepared to live in a boom town, and you want some kind of a life -- go back to school now.  It will be harder to go back later, I promise.

  3. you really need to take the GED and get as much education as you can. right now, a bachelor's degree is equivalent to what a high school diploma was worth 30-40 years ago. unless you want to be stuck in retail or food service forever, go back to school.

  4. If theres ANY possibility you could pass it, I would HIGHLY suggest taking the GED and trying to get your highschool diploma. When you get your diploma, it may seem like a scrap of paper, but its really opening a locked door to all kinds of stuff. Seriosuly, just take the test friend! ^_^

  5. Wendy's





    [[assuming your department store has some]]


  6. get a ged



    store like kmart walmart fry's

    Party city

    burger king

    stuff like that c**p Jobs

    try FRY's or walmart thats your best bet .

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