
Honestly, what should I really be worried about when it comes to pot?

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One of my good friends wants to know if I want to try it. Kinda do. Don't give me a DARE speech, i just need advice from people who KNOW.




  1. Red eyes, dry mouth and munchies.

    Pot isn't as dangerous as others would lead you to believe. It does have many medical advantages over most Rx drugs used for cancer, MS, arthritis and many other illnesses, without the horrible side effects.

  2. Okay let's see. Well, most of the time things turn out okay. The worst that I know of (or at least worst that's happened to me) was a panic attack, but I have panic disorder. Some people do get paranoid, and people can have a mini freak out episode on pot, but it's not dangerous or life threatening. Just doesn't feel very good, if you've ever had an anxiety attack or panic attack. I remember one time I was walking into the kitchen and staring at the floor and suddenly I thought I was walking in place and it really scared me. I remember thinking "c**p! What happens if someone comes home and sees me stuck walking in place like this?" But then I looked up and realized I had been moving, and it was just the tile floor pattern that played tricks on my eyes. Then I got really hungry and ate a lot. Every other time things have been okay, save one other panic attack from smoking way too much too quickly.

    Oh, and p.s. I don't want to seem like I condone drug use, but you wanted to know from people who have been there so there is my answer. You do have the capability of doing really stupid things while high, so all in all it can be a bad idea.  

  3. 1. men eventually get impotent using it for a while.

    2. it takes six weeks to fully leave your system so you can fail a drug test.

    3. if you smoke it you can get lung problems.

    4. the stuff today is 10 times stronger than when the hippie generation smoked it in the 1960's.

    5. it is possible to hallucinate while on it.

    6. if you pass a joint around you can get diseases from other people, although not usually.

    7. at first it feels great usually but sooner or later you will take a "bad trip" which is awful.

    I quit using it many years ago and feel much better. Good luck.


  5. i say dont do it! its really bad for you and stay away from peer presure.

  6. They are lazy and do nothing in life. It is also illegal and can even get you jail time.  

  7. Getting tired and eating everything in sight should be your main concerns.

    Drugs are bad mmmmmm...k

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