
Honestly, who is more judgmental?

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Mothers who think that breastfeeding is the only way to feed a baby ever, or mothers who for whatever personal reasons they have decided that it was best for their family to choose formula?

Me, I have rarely seen mothers who chose formula trash on mothers who breastfeed... but I sometimes see some answers trashing on formula that make me cringe.

I do plan to breastfeed my next baby and I'm armed with more information than I had with my twins... but I did choose to formula feed my twins after doing formula and breastmilk and I have some regrets but I feel like it was the best choice for me and since I am their mother and they would do no good with me ending up in a mental hospital from going completely off the deep end- I think formula was the correct choice.

I just wish some mothers would spend just 10 minutes in my shoes before saying such horrible things. :-(

I agree, breast is best; but formula is a safe and healthy alternative. My babies are a prime example!




  1. Hello,

    I believe that no matter what way you chose it's what works for you. I just recently had my little guy and well i was planning to breast feed him through out the entier pregnancy...then once he was born i did not produce what he needed...and on top of that when he was drinking breask milk he was very gassy and koliky so by the time that he was 3 weeks i put him on formula. I dont really see anything wrong with formula..I mean if there was they wouldnt sell it...i mean at first when i couldnt breast feed anymore i felt like the worst mother ever...i wasnt able to produce what he needed...then i sat down and talked to my doctor and he told me that no matter how you chose to feed him as long and he gets the love he needs thats all he'll really need, it does not make you less of a person if you formula feed over breast feed. I really think that people that push that sort of thing need to back down a little bit because for people like me whom are unable to breast feed it makes you feel as if your failing as a mother. I mean my little man is perfectly healthy and a fast grower so I dont think i am doing anything wrong the doctors are all amazing as how fast he picks up on everything so...but to get back to the point...yes breast is the best but if you cant do it formula is the way to go...and that doesn't mean your less of a mother.

  2. so you've never seen the comments on how it's gross & disgusting, obviously.

    i'd say, ANYONE who thinks that *thier* way is the *only* way for anyone is most judgemental.

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