Mothers who think that breastfeeding is the only way to feed a baby ever, or mothers who for whatever personal reasons they have decided that it was best for their family to choose formula?
Me, I have rarely seen mothers who chose formula trash on mothers who breastfeed... but I sometimes see some answers trashing on formula that make me cringe.
I do plan to breastfeed my next baby and I'm armed with more information than I had with my twins... but I did choose to formula feed my twins after doing formula and breastmilk and I have some regrets but I feel like it was the best choice for me and since I am their mother and they would do no good with me ending up in a mental hospital from going completely off the deep end- I think formula was the correct choice.
I just wish some mothers would spend just 10 minutes in my shoes before saying such horrible things. :-(
I agree, breast is best; but formula is a safe and healthy alternative. My babies are a prime example!