
Honestly, who loves the .99 cents store and why?

by  |  earlier

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I just love shopping sprees at the .99 cents store! Today I found POM juice! yes, the glass container beverage that costs like $4.00 at Albertsons. was only .99 Can u believe it? Not only that but they have everything, they even have FOOD! underwear, hanes even! What's your fave buy. Oh and BTW, I'm talking about the "original" .99 cents store, not the "wannabe" where it says it's .99 but then you go in and everything is marked 1.50......




  1. lol i love then too, i like to buy my cleaning supplies there

  2. this is a moment where i have to put omfg!  Ok THRIFT STORE UNDIES have been USED end of story - 99 CENT UNDIES are HANGING FROM A RACK with TAGS on it and if you REALLY WANT to go there- WALMART UNDIES run the risk of also being TRIED ON since there are dressing rooms at Walmart- so when you really look at it, it is SAFER to buy UNDIES at 99 CENT then WALMART  -- gosh did I really need to explain all this?  i have bought undies there so what? i wash them and wear them and its great to toss them becuz i know i only spent 1 dolla.

    THAT BEING SAID the store is a blessing- my favorite thing to buy there is wrapping paper and such on xmas! Candy when we get munchies!  I love the cashier system they have that DINGS and goes "uh-oh" alhtough i don't understand why the computer would question anything since it is all 99cents! lol

    and FINALLY due to two deadbeat parents I had to take care of my lil bro and if it wasn't for the 99 cent store we would never have eaten! thats a true story and we really should nominate DAVID GOLD into sainthood .   LMFAO THAT I WIKI'D DAT SHT

  3. Haha i live in Australia and here we have $2 shops lol.

    I love it when i go in there and find something that ive seen at like Thingz or Target for triple the price lol.

    I especially love thier candles.I mean who really wants to pay $10 for a candle when you can get one just as nice for 2 bucks =p.

  4. I love the 99 cent store becouse you can get things for less money. but some 99 cents stores are not all 99 cents some times it cost more then 99 cents but stell less then other stores. and  some 99 cents stores is all junk. but the ones that are 99 cents has help me always when i had a job it save me money, now that iam layed off it helps even more. they even have toys,plants,house things,car things,baby things,food, hair things. wow i must go to it right now. i need plastic cups,plates. bye maybe we well meet there .  

  5. I wouldn't get the food!!!!  but little things like simple tools and stuff is cool. or stuff for a party.

  6. I love the dollar store but I'm not a regular, I get cleaning supplies and every once in a while candy. I'm somewhat skeptical about buying food from there and I most certainly don't buy undies from there... to me that's like going to a thrist store and buying used undies and that's a no no. It's not sanitary for one thing, you don't know what's been going on in it and I sure don't care to find out. If I was completly broke, down and out I might get food from there. But I don't think the food they sell are healthy. It there was nothing wrong with their food I'm not sure they sell them at such prices. As much as I dislike Walmart, I prefer to do my grocery shopping there. I'm not trying to sound like I'm too good or anything like that. Like some people would spend a fortune on clothing or shoes, I rather spend on good healthy food. I'm greedy.

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