
Honestly answer this question...?

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Do you think McCain would have taken a man with the exact same resume?




  1. noooooooo

  2. There were about 10 men in contention for VP with bigger resume's that he knew personally, so it's obvious he was looking for a woman.

  3. Not a chance.  

  4. Nope

  5. Yeah, I think he was looking for someone like him, busting and kicking out crooks, oil was importand and she knows about DARFOR.She is not influenced by D.C. I hope she will be the best VP.

  6. Yes

  7. Absolutely not.  

  8. I truly believe McCain would want someone with the same type of honest and ethical character.

    The qualities Sarah Palin posses regarding her pro-life views can ONLY be spoken, illustrated, and lived by a woman. Therefore it would have been impossible for a man to posses the exact same resume.

    Otherwise, I say - Yes.

    McCain's choice as all such choices, involve may multifaceted decisions, so every choice has pros and cons. I think his selection for VP is nothing short of Brilliant.

    I hope he performs as well once he becomes President.


    A man does not have this body

  10. No, probably not.  But then, most of her resume is her face.  McCain would never choose a man who looked like that, now would he???

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