
Honestly do you think

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I am 14, is it that big a deal that I night light? I don't see the harm. I think fear of the dark is very legitimate. What do YOU think?




  1. If you live in a house, with a door with a lock, then lose the freaking night light man.  Cut the habit before you're 28 and still using one. Fear of the dark is not legitimate. Fear of the things lingering in the dark that you can't see and that can harm you is legitimate. Since there is nothing in your house that can harm you, there is nothing to see. Besides, what makes you think seeing it would make a difference in surviving it?

    NOTE: The girls say its fine. I'm a man. You're a man. Act like a man.

  2. I am 45 and I still need a night light. I need to see where I am going, day  or night.  

  3. Well, I'd be freaked if a boyfriend insisted on a nightlight.

  4. afraid of the dark? psh what kind of animals are you?

  5. You're fine, Darkness can be scary. I like the light from my radio when I sleep. I rarely ever sleep in total darkness unless I am not sleeping alone!

    I think you are alright!

  6. I'm 20 and I like to sleep with a light. I'm afraid of the dark. Plus, if I have to get up in the middle of the night I can see better. :)

    It would be a little weird if it was like a clown face or something, but I think you're good.  

  7. well i am 19 and also prefer a night lamp or something dim on than complete darkness...
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