
Honestly ok how do you dance?

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like school dances. i dance in my bedroom to good music and have so much confidence put can't put that out on the dance floor. any help?




  1. sorry i have like no idea what you are talking about....

  2. let the music lead you. it sounds stupid but it's true. that's how everyone does it. once you're into the music and everyone else is too, no one would bother to look at your mistakes and you'll be having fun. don't care about other people, it's you and the floor!

    and who says you need alcohol to have fun??


  3. Hardly any point to looking remotely decent on the floor at a school dance... most everyone sucks at it and most of the music is terrible to begin with. Chances are if you don't look good on the dance floor, 95% of everyone else is the same.

  4. school dances are all basically grinding front to back guys front girls back. basically it move back n forth that it . trust me its not hard at all.

  5. You should start off with a little two step move that you feel comfortable with that goes with most songs.

    and then gradually add little moves in there and if you feel like you look stupid or u just wanna switch it up go back to that two step until you muster up the courage to try another move.

    incorporate hand movements with your two step and you've got ur own little safe dance going on lol

    *two step being a repetitive movement usually from one foot to the other

    BUTTT dont be afraid to dace ur freakin pants off!

    Dont think about it too much

    If your feeling the beat lol then bust a move and do whatever the h**l you want, who cares??

    Its a lot better to have a night of fun and let loose than think about ur every move and try n look good... I recomend this two step thing cause it usually comes naturally and you wont have to think.

  6. If you have confidence bring it out on the dance floor. I cant dance ( I dont think 0_o) but I will be dancing at my first homecoming. Good Luck : )

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