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Ok, well I'm sure we've all read those questions "Can I be a dancer at 14,is it too late." The answers are over 90% always saying you can be a dancer, and yes and everything. Well, I'm 13 years old and I've never had any experience, but I want to do contemporary. But seriously, will my level ever even get to those who have been dancing for 15-20 years? I mean they start when they're like 2/12 or 3 (in some cases, not all) and now they're like 18-26, like ppl on so you think you can dance and they're dancing is soo clean, and their lines are beautiful. But I mean can I get their in 5-7 years? And even some from the top 6, take Courtney for instance. I was watching some of her comments on vids, and a lot of people say "Oh she's so sloppy, her technique isn't good."So considering she's been dancing since she was like YOUNG, do I even have a chance to get to that level? But honestly, because everyone always says yes and stuff,but can you really get good in like 5 years starting now? thanks




  1. It all depends on you if you have natural talent or not and if you do how much you won't know if you don't try so go for it =^..^=

  2. ok, i just wanted to say that even if u started at a really young age, u never really know what u r doing until u r older. things didnt start clicking until i was about 9 or 10. if u want to start dancing, u have to go at ur own pace. don't think about others and where they r at. just work ur hardest and some day u will get to the top. there r very few people who dance 5-7 years and make it to the top so it might take a little longer.but if u work really hard and don't fool around and u find the right teachers, things could happen.

  3. most of the people i danced with when i was 2 1/2 quit or went into sports. its never to late and if you are very serious you can take a lot of classes and you'll advance quicker

  4. Well Sabra won So You Think You Can Dance and she had been dancing for only four years! She was amazing! I don't know how old she was but you hae to be at least 18 to be on the show. If she was 18, then she started at age 14. Of course you can become really good if you practice a lot and take classes! =)
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