
Honestly what is up with all these kids....?

by  |  earlier

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it seems like everytime i'm on here there are at least a couple kids saying they are pregnant and don't know what to do.

why can't they just play rock band or something? I mean why is having s*x (unprotected non the less) so important?




  1. well, any program that you watch on tv has s*x in it.....i mean some are really you see the way young girls dress today...i mean i am only 28, and i wouldn't have been caught dead in a skirt with my butt cheeks hanging out of it....i am really scared for our kids ,,how will it be when they are in jr. high and high school........

  2. I know what you mean! I am appalled at some of the things I read on this site. I think education is the best thing to do for these kids. My kids don't like it when I talk about s*x but they hear me. Parents need to educate their children and stop being so darn afraid of being honest. Sometimes I thinks parents (and I use the term loosely) prefer society to raise their kids instead of accepting the responsibility themselves. Oh Boy! I think s*x is so "important" because they think of themselves as grown up if they are having s*x. The types of TV shows they watch might have a lot to do with it too.

  3. s*x is everywhere tv movies, etc. and they believe everybody is doing it. some are wishing they were preg. for the attention, others are and are scared.

  4. it have nothing to do with parenting! once a child gets a certain age they have a mind of their own with their own curiosity, kids with the what seem to be "best parents" make mistakes. The cause of it could be peer pressure,careless,they thinking it couldn't happen to them or maybe  a mistake!...the best a parent can do try to teach their children right and trust them to make good decisions...

  5. because it feels good. *rolls eyes*

  6. Poor parenting really! I mean find your child an after school project or

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