
Honesty, why is McCain having trouble getting people to go to the Republican National Convention?

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LOL, he can't even get 10,000 people! Obama got over 80,000 people!!!

Lol, their going to have bouncers throwing people IN!!!

Let me guess... Republicans have families and jobs and stuff right?? They why do they spend all day on Yahoo! Answers?!?!?

Also, aren't a lot of older people (retired) Republicans, shouldn't they be a little enthusiastic about the RNC?!? I mean my father is a freaking delegate!

It's really pathetic, because Obama is going to beat McCain like a rented mule!

Please, give me lots of Conservative sided answers, it only proves my diagnosis that this website is infected with Repubes!

Obama/Biden 08!




  1. ok lets get it right there where 75,000 and the rep just at the vp enouncement in Ohio over 15,000 and still haven't had convention and not going to waist money on a stadium and I'm a independent and liked obama until he lied and said he did not know about his preacher  even though he was going to that church for 20 years not

    plus I think if I was a religious person I would think as soon as I heard the preach cuss I would say see ya

  2. Your rant is supported by a far left smear site, that the best you can do?

  3. the xcel energy center can only hold a little under 20,000, plus the state fair is going on at the same time.

  4. I've got a bunch of crickets out in my yard. I could send them.

    Who really wants to listen to a bunch of washed up has beens? Not me.

    Poor old farts just don't get it.

    Cheney speaks, crickets chirping.

    Bush speaks, crickets chirping.

    The convention closes with a few sobs and boo hoos from Bush, Cheney and Mack Cane, no, he just left. Crickets Chirping.

    All they have left to offer are more lines of BS. No Thank You. I for one don't need any more of that c**p. I'm not buying it. Nor should anyone else.

  5. Obamabot link sighted.  Woo! Woo! Errr! Errr! Ah-ooga!

  6. I agree...this web link is about as credible as Ann Coulter.  But still...I kinda think you're right.  McCain tends to speak in front of only a couple thousand people...I'm not sure if he has ever spoken for more than a few thousand at a time (maybe 10,000 max?) But to think that 80,000 for Obama was nothing...he spoke for 200,000 in Europe as you may recall.  And Palin....don't even get me started.  The majority of her governing experience (as mayor) covers the size of 3 regular city high schools.  The president of my college has more experience than that....and frankly...has raised more money!

  7. My parents are republican and they can not stand Mclame. So im guessing none of the other reps can either

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