
Honesty or compatibility?

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All things being equal in a relationship, which of the two might carry a little bit more importance: honesty or compatibility? Please provide your age, gender, and geographical location; thanks!




  1. I would say Honesty! Why you might asked? Because two people don't have to be 100% percent compatible to love each other. Your not robots, you both like different things which is a good thing.


    20years old

    Columbia Pa

    I just know things!

  2. F/23/Lansing, MI. U.S.A

        In the "getting to know each other" stages of a relationship It's easy to exaggerate your interests to seem more compatible with that person. You might say you like a band that you hate. You might say you get paid more than you do....whatever it may be, It's a bad idea. Things like that have a way of getting out, and when they do, not only will this person not trust you, but they'll lose respect for you as well. That's hard to get back.

        Show your true colors up front and don't lead people to believe you're someone you're not. No lies or exaggerations. It's not fair to anyone. Compatibility is only a myth if you don't really know who you're with.

  3. I'd have to say honesty. Compatibility is something you can develop or learn or grow into, but honesty is something that is extremely difficult to cultivate if it's not there from the absolute beginning.

  4. compatibility.

    honesty can sometimes hurt urself.

    22, f, germany

  5. Honesty


    id say that because it is impossible for people to be 100% compatible with each other and if you were honest, youd know what you werent compatibel about and either learn to live with this or build on it to become more compatible

  6. 16-female-TN

    compatability- honesty is very important too, but if the two ppl are compatable and dont have the same interest and like being around each other or connect with each other then the relationship isnt going to last. they will probably get annoyed or bored of each other. but i am not saying that a relationship with a bunch of lies is good either though. both are important.

  7. you cant reach compatibility with out honesty, i think, 22, female, san diego,

  8. Compatibility

    34,M,North Carolina

    Honesty is pretty important too, but there is deceit in most relationships in my opinion...If you're not compatible with the other person, I'm not sure honesty would help that much.

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