
Honesty or peace maker?

by  |  earlier

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Would you rather be friends with someone who was brutally honest about how they felt about things, even if it alienated people, and almost everyone though they were a jerk.


Friends with some one who just agreed with other people and always tried to be on everbody's side so that nobody's feelings ever got hurt, and almost everone liked them




  1. I guess I'm one of those super honest people that few people can appreciate. If my friend asked me if I liked her hair, I would tell her but in a nice way if I thought it suited her or not.  If you want to know what I'm thinking just ask.....and if you don't like the answer then don't ask me again.

  2. I am incredibly blunt, and brutally honest. And I would have to say that at least people know I am never going to lie to them. :)

  3. Neither I want a friend that is open minded but knows when not to say something that would hurt other people.

  4. I like people who take things my way!;...

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