With the decline of honey bee's, the rise of fuel costs,increased costs at the grocery store, and people that dismiss that their is a real problem with the environment by believing the misinformation and propaganda,how are we as a nation are we going to find a real solution to the problems that affect us all?? Are we just going to keep paying high fuel prices that raise the price of travel and food? And with the honey bee's dying off on top of this combined with our fuel crisis are we as a country ready for are food bill to triple and quadroople??? What are they nay sayers proposing who dismiss the global warming problem going to do to fix the actual problem, other than believing people that are paid off from the oil and energy monopolies around the world to come up with their distorted findings? Why is it that they strive to be a part of the problem rather than the solution??? Will they still believe the same way when it costs them $7.00 a gallon for gas,and a grocery bill at $900.00