
Honeybees are slowly vanishing...what will farmers do when they are gone?

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Honeybees are slowly vanishing...what will farmers do when they are gone?




  1. they cant do anything. when all bees become extinct, all plant life will die within 5 months so protect the bees!!!

  2. farmers?  what do you mean` i'll have to go without honey

  3. well,we could always train ladybugs, we use them to dispose of pests, we could engineer the same scent of a pest into the pollen of plants, that way ladybugs would pollenate for us.

  4. not sure why you ask only what farmers will do, if there are no bees there would be no life.  Bees make plants produce food. Maybe those without jobs will be able to polinate the flowers for them..(lol)

  5. Honeybees are being replaced by other pollinators, so farming is suffering little effect right now.  

    But, any time a species starts dissapearing, that's a major concern.  Not because of farming, but because each species is precious in a world which is quickly losing it's bio diversity.

    Nature works in a wonderful way, and when one species dies off, generally there is another ready to fill the niche... but we've spent so much effort in pesticide... I think we've sort of asked for this.

  6. Our food heavily depends upon pollination. Every third bit of food is is pollinated. At the very moment scientist are finding new way to replace bee pollination. However it is not that big of a deal right now, but it will be in the next 4yrs

  7. My neighbors just killed a bee hive, I was soooo angry. I told them about the bees vanishing, they had no idea, and they looked at me freaky...... If the bees were to vanish, food will become really really exspensive....

  8. soon they will be replaced by killer bee,s......then we,ll have something to worry about!

  9. Honey prices will get outrageous why aren't things being done to protect them as valuable as they are?  We are the only species that can protect another species.

  10. I hear (from one of my beekeeper friends) that the real reason why the bees are vanishing is because the beekeepers take a majority of the honey out of the hives and replace it with high fructose corn syrup (pure sugar). At first high fructose corn syrup and honey might seem like they are the same (both being composed largely of sugars), but that is not the case. High Fructose Corn Syrup even if eating in small quantities has been shown to do horrible things to humans, so imagine what it does to the bees.

  11. Kudos to you for still remembering it.. that was so last month to most people and they have already forgotten.  Weird how we do that eh?  I don't know.  We will have some sort of hardship one way or another.  Bees.. polluted water and air.. living off of manufactured food that's barely food.  Everything around us is a ticking time bomb ya know?

  12. The majority of farmers will do the same thing they've done all along.  About 75% of our food supply does NOT depend on bees for pollenation.

    The problem is not that honeybees are slowly vanishing, but that entire colonies are dying within 1-2 days.

    Worker bees are especially vulnerable to disease, because every worker in the colony is genetically identical. In addition, they are especially vulnerable to poisoning, because they have a communal food supply.

    Symptoms similar to CCD have been described in the past, and heavy losses have been documented. The condition has received many different names over the years including autumn collapse, May disease, spring dwindle, disappearing disease, and fall dwindle disease. Whether or not the current die-off is being caused by the same factors that caused heavy losses in the past or if new factors are involved is not yet clear.

    They're working hard to figure out what causes this, and they're likely to find the problem soon.

  13. remeniss

  14. We should kill the honey bears then.

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