
Honeymoon in Orlando, Florida...September 2008..hurricanes???

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We have the first week of September 2008 booked off work for our honeymoon, we really like the idea of Disneyland however are a bit worried about hurricanes...I know september is peak hurricane season, but how bad are they? one one hand we only have a weekand want it to be as memorable as possible and I'm a big believer anything can happen anywhere so don't always wonder what if...but on the other hand it is our honeymoon, dont want to spend a whole week locked in my room (for the wrong reasons he he) feeling scared.

I don't mind storms, thunder n lightening etc but how bad do hurricanes get and am i taking a huge risk??

PS Obviously can't change wedding date so ple dont suggest go another time...thanks




  1. At about 6pm English time today 4th June, the weather people said that this was going to be a 'high' hurricane season and already have names for the first 3, one of which was 'Ike'(my mates name)....

    However, you should really take account of the efficient and excellent way in which Hurricanes are a. reported on in advance and b. dealt with when and if damage occurs....

    My wife and I were in Kissimmee during hurricane Jeanne 2006 and although it was very destructive we only incurred a 24 hour curfew and app 9 hours with no electric..... 'Jeanne' passed right over our Villa and destroyed a villa 2 along from ours.....

    So yes they can be really bad....

    On a lighter note, if you listen to everything that is said and do as you are told it is no big deal....... And if you do get a curfew, think of the fun you can have and remember any and all hotels are well provisioned and well capable of ensuring your maximum safety.......

    As for 'parks', obviously they will close and are therefore perfectly safe when open......

    Lastly, go and have fun..... don't worry about the weather and enjoy your honeymoon...... You will be fine.................

  2. Well hurricanes get really bad. Winds can travel 74 mph or more and that is not including the winds gust that can boost over 30 + mph more. Here this is how hurricane Katrina looked in New Orleans early in the morning in August 2005...

  3. I live in Orlando and in the 12 years and every two - three years we may be on the fringe of something. However in 2004 we got hit 3 times (which is extremely rare)

    The chances of a hurricane during your visit are slim, however if a pattern develops in August that strongs are heading Orlandos way then consider changing plans as each year patterns tend to form hold on for weeks or months, so the same area might be hit more than once.

    If you are really concerned by vacation insurance and also have a back up plan.

    And last, Hurricanes don't just show up in a day, if there is a real threat you will know 2 -4 days in advance and therefore could adjust your plans.

    If you decide to come you will have a great time, so enjoy it!

  4. Hey, I'll be there the same time.... actually in Daytona Beach. You gotta go and have fun. the hotels are built for hurricanes, I'm originally from the St Pete side. You'll be safe. Watch the weather, the hotel will keep you informed, too. If one comes it's gone in a day. One day locked up in your hotel room (as you put it) isn't so bad, even on your honeymoon.  Oh and congratulations on getting married. I spent my honeymoon in Daytona Beach last year (in October during bike week) weather was great. Business trip this year.

  5. After lots of searching for you I found this site....  best I could do..... it sounded interesting... for your question that is...

  6. You will probably be fine as far inland as Orlando is.  By the time a hurricane has hit land and traveled to Orlando it will have lost most of it's power and will be downgraded too a tropical storm,lots of drenching rain for maybe 24 hours, time to write postcards and thank you cards for the many gifts you receive :)

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