I've been looking for a place to take my fiance for our Honeymoon, but it seems as though every place I look at gets worse reviews then the previous.
One resort has great views and accommodations, but has poor food, worse help and an ant problem. Another place has great food, but rats and old/ mildewed furniture.... or a great and perfect resort- just so long as we don't leave it since we wouldn't be safe amongst the locals.
Basically, it seems like I'm searching for the impossible- but I'd love to find a place that has it all. Great food, accommodations, service that actually cares and listens to its customers, a good view/ walking distance to the beach/ pool, and preferably locals we can visit and explore without worrying about any possible danger.
Most annoying is that in many of the negative reviews, people mention that the place they're reviewing isn't as good or grand as others- but always fail to mention what that other one was.