This is a poll question. I'd like to get a sense of how many people out there share my outrage at how the Obama supporters are savaging Sarah Palin.
So, honk.
Honk if you hate the hypocrisy of Obama supporters. They claimed they were about a new, clean kind of politics. And they are dragging this woman through the gutter.
Honk if you hate the double standard. Obama never won a contested election. He never had a conventional job. Things have been handed to him all his life, by his bank vice president, "typical white person" grandmother, who got him into Hawaii's most exclusive private school, by Columbia and Harvard, who adhere to affirmative action. Obama served 143 days in the senate before beginning to run for president. And the Obama supporters are claiming that Palin, who achieved everything in her life through her own merits, IS NOT EXPERIENCED ENOUGH!!!
Honk if you notice how Obama suppoters, who claim to be all about peace and equality, are going for the jugular of a woman ... for no other reason than because she is a woman. So much for equal rights.
Honk if you see right through the Obama supporters' attempts to smear Palin by claiming that she faked her own pregnancy with a Down's syndrome baby ... that she never should have had a Down's syndrome baby ... that she can't be vice president because she has a baby ... in other words, because she is a woman.
Honk if you are disgusted with how Obama supporters have hijacked the Democratic Party, the party that was supposed to care about encouraging women in the workplace and in leadership.
Honk if Obama supporters' savaging of Palin is so atrocious that you think it will earn McCain votes, and drive disgusted voters away from obama.