
Honk if you hate what They are doing to Sarah. ?

by Guest32311  |  earlier

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This is a poll question. I'd like to get a sense of how many people out there share my outrage at how the Obama supporters are savaging Sarah Palin.

So, honk.

Honk if you hate the hypocrisy of Obama supporters. They claimed they were about a new, clean kind of politics. And they are dragging this woman through the gutter.

Honk if you hate the double standard. Obama never won a contested election. He never had a conventional job. Things have been handed to him all his life, by his bank vice president, "typical white person" grandmother, who got him into Hawaii's most exclusive private school, by Columbia and Harvard, who adhere to affirmative action. Obama served 143 days in the senate before beginning to run for president. And the Obama supporters are claiming that Palin, who achieved everything in her life through her own merits, IS NOT EXPERIENCED ENOUGH!!!

Honk if you notice how Obama suppoters, who claim to be all about peace and equality, are going for the jugular of a woman ... for no other reason than because she is a woman. So much for equal rights.

Honk if you see right through the Obama supporters' attempts to smear Palin by claiming that she faked her own pregnancy with a Down's syndrome baby ... that she never should have had a Down's syndrome baby ... that she can't be vice president because she has a baby ... in other words, because she is a woman.

Honk if you are disgusted with how Obama supporters have hijacked the Democratic Party, the party that was supposed to care about encouraging women in the workplace and in leadership.

Honk if Obama supporters' savaging of Palin is so atrocious that you think it will earn McCain votes, and drive disgusted voters away from obama.




  1. honk

  2. honk!!

    yeah, disgusting and typical of obama supporters.

    they says its a case of mral issue, BUT in the same sentence they call her a w***e and everything else.

    LOL, morals, yeah right, guess obama supporters have bad parents also or they wouldnt be in slamming some girl like this.

    I was a democrat, NO MORE!!!!!!!!!

    I want NOTHING to do with slime like this..

  3. honk honk honk honk honk honk  

  4. Honk. Honk. Honk. Honk. Honk. HONK. Good post and poll.

  5. Hi there, I wrote a lot so i hope you take the time to read some of this and not just ignore it because i support Obama.  I would do the same for you.

    Most Obama supporters are pointing out her experience just to show McCains own hypocrisy.  You do realize that McCain was the first person to make a huge argument over Obama's Experience don't you?  If you don't then you have been living under a rock, and if you do then surely you must realize what a hypocrite McCain is for making such a big fuss over Obamas experience but then chooses a person with even less experience than Obama to be his running mate.  And please don't give me that "shes only VP Obama his running for president" The VP has to be ready to become the most powerful person in the world at any time, ( and how many years do you think McCain has left in him anyway?). I'm not claiming Palin is not ready for the job, I am pointing out McCains Flip flops, like what all the other Dems are doing.  If you cant see that then you are truly blind and i feel sorry for how stupid you are.

    Obama's grandmother couldn't afford to put him in that school,  he got in because of a scholarship he earned by himself because of his grades.  Not only that but he was the top of his classes in Harvard where even his professors were amazed.  If you actually did your research correctly you would know that Obama came from a humble background.   Even after he graduated and could of had a lucrative career he chose to do work for the people instead.   Now im not going to make things up about Palin to make her seem unfit for the job like you did for Obama because 1) its not fair to her 2) i don't know that much about her.  But i can tell you this, Obama definitely achieved everything from his own merits as well.

    And i have never heard of this faking a pregnancy nonsense. what is that about?

    What has Obama done to make you think he is against women? Obama has worked hard for womens rights,  even Hilary Clinton has pointed this out. What has McCain done for women? He voted against equal pay for equal work and wants to overturn Roe v Wade, (so does Palin).    If you think that all women should vote for McCain and Palin simply because of her gender, then you are the real sexist for thinking one gender is automatically better than the other without any thought to their policies or ideals.  And if you think that then explain why Hilary is helping out with the Obama Biden campaign not McCain and Palin's?

    I know that i said that i don't know much about Palin but these are the main facts about her that have convinced me and millions of other Americans that are against her.  Check to see if it has anything to do with her being a woman or having a baby.

    1 )Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

    2)She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

    3)Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

    4)She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.

    5)She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. 6)She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.

    7)In July of 2008, Sarah Palin became the subject of a state ethics investigation looking into whether she fired a top law enforcement official in her administration because he had failed to dismiss a state trooper who was involved in a divorce with Ms. Palin’s sister.

    8) Sarah never left the country before July 2007 when she needed to first obtain a passport before visiting Alaskan National Guard troops stationed in Kuwait.

    9)As mayor of Wasilia, Palin built - as her legacy - a $15 million multi-use indoor ice arena on land that did not belong to the city. It will cost Wasilla at least an additional $1.67 million to acquire the land which the town is attempting to pay for by cutting library services, postponing capital improvement projects, and raising fees.

    10.) she has 0 foreign policy experience.  (something that is extremely needed at a time like this)

    So there you have it, the people against Palin are not sexist (well maybe some are but hey, there are always going to be racists and sexists on both sides) they simply know what her policies are and don't want that in the white house.  

    By the way, going back to the whole experience thing, Obama was elected by millions of people, McCain just chose Palin out of the blue.

    Not to mention that Obama has 10 years of experience in the state legislator and served a term in the US senate, graduated at the top of his class in Harvard and has experience with foreign policy.  

  6. Pathetic, no one is doing anything to Palin, she has done this all on her own. The right has nothing to say after all the years of trashing Democrats families, suck it up and take it.


  8. Please they did this to Obama. But when they opened Pandora's Box they didn't think it would be used on them. Experience?!? How can a person who managed a Popsicle stand(Alaska, 600,000 or her home town 8,000) be considered in any way qualified to run this nation? What kind of Kool Aid are you drinking?

    when she accepted this nomination she put her daughter on the street for the dogs to rip to shreds. She and she alone is responsible and it makes her an irresponsible parent.

    Down"s Syndrome defines ones geopolitical thought and vison how?

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