
Honors classes in high school?

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I am currently a sophomore and i am taking all the honors/AP classes that I am able to take right now aside from honors English... however last year I did take it and i received a B. Would it be better for me to try to switch into the honors class knowing i would probably still get a B, or stay in regular and get an A. Also, how would it look to colleges if I took honors one year, and dropped it the next?




  1. It really all depends on your grades that you receive. Getting a B in an honors course is like getting an A in a general course. Getting an A in a general course is like getting a B in an honors course, etc.

    It really all depends on what you're willing to do to yourself. Honors/AP courses are a lot of work and you have to be willing to do the extra effort. It's not good to get C's in honors/AP courses, because that's one thing that doesn't look good on college transcripts.

    I'd see how your first couple days/week go for your english course. If it seems like you can do the extra mile, then see if you can switch into the honors course. If your other courses seem like they're going to be a lot of work, then maybe a regular course will do you good and give you a bit of a break.

    What really looks good on transcripts is clubs/extracurricular activities you do in school. So, if you don't have any of those, definitely consider it this year.  

  2. I'm a senior with a similar course load, and I think you should stick with an all honors track. Colleges will see that you are trying with more difficult work and the fact that you're in advanced classes will still look good (anyone can coast in a regular level class). Depending on the subject, dropping levels may look bad. In a course that is pretty much the same year to year (English), that might not look good. But if its something like science, where the subject matter  (chem, physics, bio) changes and your proficiency in the subject isn't consistent, then dropping a level probably doesn't look as bad.  

  3. It wouldn't look too good if you take honors classes one year and dropped it the next. College will like it better if you took a challenging class and struggled rather than take the regular course and passed with flying colors. They want to see your potential and it won't look good if you give up on something you would probally do fine in anyways.  

  4. well it depends if u feel that ur english class is too easy for you then you can ask to transfer to honors english. and i don't think colleges would know if you dropped the class or not. but depending on your school if you think the teachers there are too difficult for you then stay in regulars

  5. you should switch to honors just remember that a B in honors is the same as an A in regulars.

    Also colleges mostly look at the classes you take your Junior year. So as long as you don't drop an honors/AP class that you pass  your sophomore year it won't look bad.

    But really you should take honors English at least your junior year to get ready to take AP your senior year.  

  6. Keep your Honors Class - you can improve your grade or check with your Counselor and see what she/he thinks.  It also depends on what you are looking to study when you go to College. So you might not have to take Honors English and you can swap it out with another Honors Class. Colleges look at all your years.  Good Luck.  

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