
Honors classes- too much with my schedule?

by Guest59872  |  earlier

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In my school we have 3 levels for classes: regular, college prep and Honors (AP). As an eighth grader I just found out that for Freshman year I have made it into all honors classes. I am worried that all the homework will be too much for me.

During the fall I do soccer everyday. As soon as soccer season is over I start ballet 2 days a week and that joins in with lacrosse in the spring (so that ballet is mon. wed. and lacrosse is tues. thurs.) do you think that taking all those classes will be too much for me? I usually do very well with juggling everything but I'm not sure about this.




  1. It depends. Are you good at making up a schedule and sticking to it?

    If you're good at time management and aren't too much of a procrastinator, you should be fine.

    Also, do you live in a highly competetive district?

    As for the second part, try visiting the high school and talking to the student athletes. There's bound to be someone doing AP. They can give you the low down on how many hours a night you need to spend on homework, and whether soccer will interfere too much with your school work. In my personal experience, a lot of school athletes do multiple sports, so you can probably also find someone in the same situation in that respect.

    As to all honours freshman year, the teachers do realize that you are adjusting to high school and it will be the easiest year you have as far as honours curriculum goes. As a freshman honours Bio TA, I noticed that the teacher I worked for tended to let things slide a bit for her freshmen because she realized this fact. (This was in an extremely competetive district!)

    Worst comes to worst, if you find in the first two weeks that it is too overwhelming, you can transfer into the lower level of a course. In all frankness, it's easier to drop down than to move up, and the teachers will shove the most work on you during the first two weeks with the intention of getting people to drop while they can. After the first two weeks the course work will even out.

    Junior year you might start experiencing problems with that schedule, but cross that bridge when you come to it. ;)

    Good luck with whatever you choose!

  2. I was in all AP Classes my freshman year too, and as a sophomore I still am. I'm just as busy as you too, with band, volleyball, soccer, tap, and allergy appointments (yuck!), You'll be able to do it, I have faith!

    But, as always, go with what you feel you can do. But High School isn't as scary as it seems.

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