
Hoof Abscess Treatments?

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Jazz has a hoof abscess in the toe area of his right front hoof. Its not to bad, he will lift his left foot to get the flies away and will walk (not well or happily but he walks). He has good feet and has never been foot sore/lame before so Im notsure what has caused this one. Anyway, what can I do to spead up the healing process? I am currently soaking his hoof in warm water and epsom salt for 20 minutes 2x a day but I dont feel like Im doing enough. Is their any way to help this heal quickly or at least lessen the pain? Im not trying to hurry him up so I can start riding again, I just want him walking without limping cause its really depressing to watch.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!




  1. I mix dry bran with ichthammol and pack the hoof.  Then I use the brown paper from the inside of the feed bag over the bottom of the foot & tape it down with duct tape.  Ichthammol is an incredible drawing agent.  It is also very messy.  Be careful not to get it on your clothes.

  2. get some drawing salve after you soak the foot in epsom salt slap some salve on the part that hasnt popped yet, put a non stick bandage on that part, put a diaper around the foot, vet wrap the diaper on and then  take duct tape and tape all around to keep the foot clean... when it pops you'll know it will stink inside the diaper and **** will be everywhere.. that is the cheapest easiest way to treat, and it works! good luck!

  3. My horse has the exact same problem. Do you turn him out on damp ground at all. That could be where it came from. Also what you are doing is great. Have your farrier come in a check and he may be able to pop it.

    Once it breaks get Animalintex (its kinda like a poultice). Put it on the absess hole and cover with vet wrap.

    Its a long and very patient process.

  4. Well the abcess should open and drain with continuing soaks but if it doesnt then you will have to have your vet open it and the fill it with an anti-bacterial agent and then bandage it but as of now just continue to soak it...

    good luck!!! =]]

  5. Fill a nylon sock with oatmeal and epsom salts soak it in warm water for a minute then vet-rap and duck taper it on to the area where the abcess is. Leave it on for a while or untill it falls off.

    hope that helps

  6. Put ichthammol on the entire hoof, very heavy around where the abscess is. This will help to "pull" it out faster.

  7. Depending on how deep it is, call your Farrier out he/she may be able  to puncture it, letting it drain, relieving the pressure and then the soaking can get right in there and you can get it healed up quicker.  Best of luck

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