
Hookah Smoking Really bad? Or not? with .05 nicotine and 0%Tar how is it bad???????????

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Ok so i just started smoking Shisha/Hookah its really fun and socail. Ok i have been looking around on the net and they say Hookah smoking is worsed than Cig's. I know there is alot more smoke involved but they say there is more TAR in hookah smoking my shisha that i smoke is called STARBUZZ the packaging reads 0.05 nicotine and 0% TAR so how can there be more tar from smoking Hookah than smoking cigs. there are no chemicals in Shisha like Cig's Any help would be appreciated also links are welcome to thanks again.




  1. They're lying -- all smoke has tar in it. If some didn't, don't you think the cigarette companies would use it? If there were no tar, there would be no smoke.

    And if they're lying about the tar, chances are they're lying about the nicotine, too.

    The chemical additives to cigarettes aren't responsible for most of the harm. You'll die just as dead from smoking additive-free cigs like American Spirits as you will from smoking regular ones.

    Look, if you want nicotine without the tar, go on Ebay and buy an e cigarette -- they use a computer-controlled vaporizer to deliver nicotine. I have one, it works great. Or get some Commit nicotine lozenges at the drugstore. But don't fool yourself that smoking is going to be healthy, because it ain't, and after years of research, nobody has been able to figure out how to change that.

  2. Here's a great article that actual understands how hookah is smoked and gives real studies on the issue

    There is no Added tar in shisha. Tar can be formed by burning shisha. Isn't it great that shisha was designed to be cooked, not burned?!?!?!

    Actually I don't smoke Starbuzz because of they red dye you find in most of it. Figure it's probably more unsafe than the tobacco.

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