
Hookah? hey guys what are the tricks you can do with hookah....i know some of them include making rings?

by  |  earlier

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what are the other ones besides rings and waterfall...and if possible can you tell me how to do those...thanks




  1. Bubble Bubble – When smoking the hookah have a bottle of bubbles. Blow bubbles while exhaling.

    Horseshoes – Try playing horseshoes with your hookah smoke by pointing at yourself and blow smoke rings and blow them around your finger without moving it.

    Smoking Brew – With a jug of water 1/2 – 3/4 full and as many cups as you wish to use, take a great big puff and exhale the smoky contents into the jug of water. The smoke will then remain in the jug while you serve and it will stay in each person’s cup for about a minute.

    Carpet Bombing – Take a 12 inch paper towel roll, and fill the chamber of the roll with smoke by opening your mouth and letting the smoke leak up the tube. Make rapid small breaths from the back of your throat, the roll will do the rest of the work. Shoot out as many dense rings as you can so they sink and fall in different spots.

    Hindenburg – Blow smoke into a balloon until it’s full. This may take several pulls by several people. Then let the balloon loose, and watch the crazy smoke trail.

  2. there is one where you get bubbles and and the wand for bubble blowing. then you take a hit of hookah and then blow into the bubble and the smoke will stay in the bubble. i dont do it. but i saw this guy do it once, it looks pretty cool.

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