
Hookah tobacco burns way too do i avoid this?

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The past few times Ive made hookah at home, the tobacco burns too quickly. A couple of times I made hookah it was perfect and lasted for more than hour on just two coals. Lately, however, the tobacco has been burning within about 3 minutes of placing the coals on the foil. I have brand new fresh tobacco, so the problem cannot be expired tobacco. I do not pack it tightly at all...It is always packed loosely and away from the sides of the bowl. The foil is just fine and the holes I poke are always the same in number and size. The water level is good. I use golden coals and they have worked perfectly in the past, so they cant be the problem. So basically, within a few minutes of smoking, the smoke becomes very harsh, and when I remove the foil to see what's wrong, I find that at least half of the tobacco is completely burnt. What can I do?




  1. Well I like Golden Coals but they aren't my favorite, but they are the best Quick Lights on the market.

    First, break up the tobacco and fluff it up with your fingers on a plate or something similar.

    Second, pickup the tobacco with your thumb and two fingers and drop it in the bowl. Repeat till the tobacco is slightly over the rim.

    Third, with quick lights pack the tobacco down just below the rim with your fingers. With naturals you can let the foil do that.

    Fourth, brake your quick lights in half and use three in a triangle pattern.

    Fifth, be sure to rotate your coals with your tongs every 15-20 minutes.

    Of course this could be your tobacco, if you are using something lower quality like Starbuzz, Layalina, or Soex.

    Try switching to a better tobacco like, Romman, Tangiers, Nakhla, Al Fakher.

    Or switch to better coals like Coconaras

  2. use mary jane instead....

  3. Shove it up your wookah first.

  4. Pack your shisha a little tighter, and make sure there's a decent amount of space between the shisha and the foil. If the coals are too close, it will burn too hot and make the smoke harsh.  You want it to roast slowly, not burn quickly (like other smokables).  Poking fewer holes will also probably help.

  5. Try packing it a little tighter. When it's too loose in the bowl the flame ignites the tobacco from the top to the bottom when you light it. By packing it tighter, you're only lighting the top and then the rest of it gently burns as you draw on the pipe.

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