
Hooking up XBOX360 to projection TV - burn-in image?

by Guest58787  |  earlier

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Hey guys, I have a 52-inch Hitachi projection TV, not lcd or plasma, but good ol' fashioned projection.

now im getting an xbox 360 soon and i need you guys to confirm for me (before I regret it) ... if i hook up my game system to the tv, am I guaranteed to get a burn-in image into my screen?? If it is likely that I will ruin my bigscreen by doing this, I will connect to my other tv which is old and crappy, but that's a compromise i'm willing to make if it means that i'm not ruining the bigscreen. Thanks a lot guys.




  1. One day you WILL FORGET....forget to Not Pause the game...or NOT allow the scoreboard to stay on....or Not allow the HUD display to stay on....

    Or you'll go to the kitchen for a drink and get a phone call and FORGET....

    You see what I'm saying here?

    So you need to avoid it...If you like your TV that much.

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