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i really dont want to go to school on friday because of something i have already been absent i think 12 or 11 days though will i flunk if im absent too many days? what are ways to keep me home?




  1. I agree with the prior answerer. You really should go to school. I played hooky for like 2 weeks due to being emotionally damaged, it was the worst thing I ever did. My school gave  no credits in any class for which a student had 10 or more unexcused abscences. I was a good student too, I even completed all the assignments that I missed, but it was not enough. I was unable to graduate because I let my personal issues affect my true potential. I am starting online classes now, and will be thrilled to graduate finally, but I just won't have the same opportunities available as someone who came from school in the 'real world.' Make no mistake about it, school is one of the most important things one must complete in life. The only reason you should be staying home is due to illness, or loss of a friend or family member.If it has to deal with emotional issues, and people around you, who have hurt you or let you down, know this "Success is the best revenge." Go to school, be successful, you'll be glad you did.Talk to your teachers and catch up on all your missed assignments, and try to get your absences excused. Do your best. :-) Good luck :-)

  2. at my school you miss like 15 days then you will not get credits for the classes you miss and you will be held back unless you go to summer or night school

  3. Go to school. Don't be a dork. Be cool by staying in school. Everyone will look down on you if you flunk or skip school you might not think it but they will. it's not impresive.

  4. u need to go. i did the same thing, i missed too many days and then i was too scared to go back so i never did, because of that i did not graduate. its stupid not to go, just get it over with, talk to your teachers and try to make up the work and the time u missed, teachers are there to help u, they want u to pass their classes, so u should stop making excuses and go or u will regret it later.
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