
Hooray!! My 4 year old starts school in September..i can feel freedom in the air!!?

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE my kids, and have enjoyed every stage and age they have been through so far,...i have an 8 yr old and 4 yr old..but BOY, am i glad to see the end of the baby/toddler stage..anyone with me?




  1. Yes I have a 6year old, 3year old and a 12 month old. My 6year old will be going to the first grad and my 3year old will be starting preschool. I love them and I love watching them grown but I know how you feel. I have one more to go before my baby start school. :)

  2. Yes, and I'm sure my mum felt that way with me! lol

  3. Still got 2 more years till I am free. I would  be happy too Congrats!!!!!

  4. My son is also 4 and he starts school too.

    I am going to miss him terribly ... I will be fiddling my fingers waiting to come home! hehe xx

  5. my little girl is (3) i wished she could stay home :( ill miss her for sure when she starts school  ,  she still has 2 yrs to go

  6. my 4 year old starts school in sept as well, i love her to bits and i will miss her like mad,.. but bring on the free time that i will

  7. Be sure to post on here the day he/she starts school with the title of " NOW WHAT ?!" hahah

    Guarenteed 15 minutes after they get on that bus... you'll realize the house is quiet. clean, You dont have kids to run after-make food for - take places... You can have your shows on the TV...

    Its a strange lifestyle that will take some getting use to. & I bet you'll be saying " I want my babies back !"

    :P But CONGRATS !

  8. Don't be too gleeful, time soon runs out then they back in giving you more grief per sec than before.

  9. I am looking forward to my 2 year old to start nursery in September. It's only for 2 mornings a week, but It is 5 hours on my own!! I completely understand what you mean!

  10. Yes...I was as happy as you are.  Have fun with you new found freedom, but don't forget to savor all those special moments.  Before you know it they'll be graduating from high school !

  11. omg i can't wait. My 4 yr old starts school n my 3 yr old starts free nursery. gonna be great. til next september then it'll be even greater.

  12. my 4 year old starts school in august and my 15 year old leaves school at christmas once hes 16

  13. Im very excited! My son has gone to daycare b 4 now but the end of aug he starts pre-k. Now i just gotta wait 4 more yrs for my other one to start.

  14. I the pregnancy test came up positive and the ultrasound said twins! I have a 10 and a 3 year old.

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