
Hopeless and lonely any solutions?

by Guest60665  |  earlier

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I really didn't like the idea of posting this online because I know many teenagers have problems and feel hopeless and lonely. This summer I have nothing fun to do after summer school. I am currently trying to losing weight because I have a lack of self confidence. Whenever I have to walk across the school campus I wished I can just cover my face or at least magiclly be as pretty as those kids. Sometimes I don't understand why I'm still here and what is the purpose of life. I mean I do have goals, but they sound ridculous. I actually want to be a singer and maybe a actoress. I know if I tell this to my family they'll think is unrealistic. My parents spent a lot of money in tudoring programs so I can get into a good college and able to have a high-paying career. But i don't do good in school and the tudoring programs don't help. I know my parents send me there so they, as parents, fulfill their jobs for me to have a good education. I feel shameful everytime i spend time singing or watching tv. I have no experience in the acting field or have taken any singing lesson because I know I will not succeed in those area so why bother spending more money on me. Along with the fact that I have no talent, I am overweight and ugly and I have no friends or haven't participate in events. any suggestions to my conplicated problem. Please don't just tell me to lighten up. Thanks




  1. No talent? now that cant be true. everyone got talent believe that.

    you know what loosing weight is all in your head. i used to be really fat in high school (but i didn't care) it only bothered me when

    i started college. if you really wanna loose that weight, you have to make it happen, join a gym, eat healthy food, jog (worked for me) take up sport, better yet start working on your dreams. you wanna act right? join drama class that will motivate you to stay in shape.

    and don't give up on your dreams, you will lead a very sorry life if you do.

  2. I am truely sorry that you are going through this difficulties.

    I have a son went through the exact same problem you are going through between his 10th and 12th grade.

    He is 20 and he is doing much better now.

    All I can tell you is that it's like you are in the middle of a big storm.

    You have to endure and as you grow older you will have better understanding of yourself and the world around you.

    you need someone to talk to and guide you through the storm.

    Try to do something you like to do.

    If you like to sing then sing and take lesson if you like to and do not think about success or not in the future. Try to live each day for yourself and your loved ones. Try not to compare your self to others and that's a must.

    the best thing you can do for yourself for now is start exercise. Force yourself to exercise. Exercise will change your whole life.

    Have interest in exercise and find a good exercise routine including any sport you like to play. When things get tough tough get going.

    Erase any tendency to compare yourself to others.

  3. You just haven't found your niche (place where you fit in). Not everybody is meant to be a highschool cheerleader. In fact few actually want to be.

    Did you know that they offer theatre majors in university and college?

    If it's what you want to do, then you can absolutely do it! Look up some colleges on Google, and see what kind of theatre or vocal programmes they offer. Pay special attention to what they require from a person for that person to be accepted to the program.

    Should you have some experience? Be a part of an association? Have a portfolio?

    Write what is needed down in a list, and then find ways to meet those challenges. There are theatre camps, childrens theatres, and adult theatres (who often take on volunteers to help set up the stage etc) in most communities.

    Just try it. Try to go after some of those experiences. Acting/singing are actually pretty vast areas to get into. There are many many venues that have different areas of performance. And many schools that teach what you need to know.

    This is a great goal to focus on. It's something that will make you truly happy and you deserve to be happy. One day you won't be IN any high school, it will all be about You doing what You want to do with yourself every day.

    I think it's really exciting. Go for it!

  4. I knew a guy who never went out or had friends. And the he lost a lot of weight and looked so much better that he started to get some confidence. My advice: get off your fat ***, quit your moping, lose some weight, and the rest will present itself.

  5. I agree entirely with Jason ,above me , get your lazy butt going.

  6. you need to first get counselling. it will help you identify your goals, your aptitude, your perspective.

    b. if you are not going to do anything about your weight, it will remain status quo. maybe a dietician can put you on a workable diet and exercise regime. it is not going to be a hardship. most professional diets are easy to follow.

    c. speak to your parents about their expectations. you couls get a high paying job as a singer too. if not a singer or an actress, you could still be in the tv or film industry and have a rewarding career.

    d. make friends. if u r helpful, polite and nice, you will make them.

    good luck kid.  

  7. aww dont think that!!

    i know im not as pretty as a lot of girls at my school but i just have to get over the fact that i dont want to be stick thin and have blonde hair.

    i like the way i look but i know i do need to lose weight lol cause i know i am too heavy for my height even tho im taller than the average 14 yr old girl...

    and thats great that you want to lose weight! make that your fun thing to do! watch tv while singing and doing crunches! its sooo much fun! try it!

    also singing and acting are a really good things to do for someone like you! people who are really emotional or depressed need somehow to vent that in words or acting! and that will really help you. you really should stick with your school but i would get out of the tutoring programs that u r in unless the school is making u. i would getinto an acting class and then some voice lessons! anyone can sing if they have some voice lessons! and acting is an awesome way to release anger or stress out!

    good luck and know that God made you the way you are and knows that everyone is pretty and special in their own way!

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