
Hoping I am still pregnant?

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I honestly feel like I am going crazy. It seems everyday that a new symptom emerges or an old one gets worse and I am getting nothing but BFN and Invalid results. Like, today I got heartburn pretty bad a couple time throughout the day and last night I woke up with awful reflux. My nipples have been really sore, and I have had headaches off and on. My sense of smell is strong. Slight nausea, no vomiting, and I get full alot quicker.

My last period started July 12th and ended July 18th. Pregnancy should be registering on an HPT, right? I mean, wouldn't it show up if I am having these symptoms. (And no, they aren't in my head.)

Anyone have this happen to them? Please do not tell me I am crazy, and yes I am going to get a blood test, on Monday.




  1. Omg!! I'm going through  a similar situation!! I got my period on Aug 18 and it stopped on Aug 22nd. Now, before my period arrives my breast get big. Then, they go back down to regular size in the middle of my cycle, going all the way down by the end. Well, I had s*x 2 days in a row 2 days before my cycle, and had s*x 2 days in a row 2 days after my cycle. My breast a swollen and sore. I'm very tired!! I've had headaches after headache! I've taken 3 tests and Negative!!! I have some nausea also! I understand what you mean. This would be my third pregnancy. I know something is not right w/ my body! My doctor recommended I do a blood pregnancy test which would be more effective and accurate. I have to wait 2 weeks though. So you could very well be pregnant. Consult your physican!! Good Luck :-)

  2. Assuming you are pregnant, it's too soon to attribute any of these symptoms directly to a pregnancy.  It's just as likely that these symptoms are caused by pending AF, illness, or any one of a host of GI irregularities as it could be pregnancy.  If you are pregnant, the baby has only be producing hcg (the sign the baby emits to tell your body you're pregnant) for about a week.  It usually takes several weeks before enough hormonal changes have occurred to cause symptoms that can unquestionably only come from pregnancy.

    Otherwise, once AF is due, if you are pregnant, an HPT should give you a BFP.  But since the odds are always against you (you never have more than about a 25% chance of getting pregnant in any given month), you might as well wait and give AF at least one shot to give you the BFN you are most likely to get for free.  Once AF is at least a day late, then spend your money on an HPT.

  3. It depends when you ovulate, seeing as you would be on cycle day 48 i would definitely think you should be getting a positive HPT by now.

    It is possible you had delayed ovulation though.

    How long are your cycles normally? are they regular/irregular?  Do you do BBT? did you confirm ovulation?

    Some women dont get a positive test with a valid pregnancy until 19 dpo - that would mean if you ovulated anytime before cycle day 28 you should be getting a positive by now.

    Good luck for your test on monday.  Make sure they do a QUANTITATIVE hCG and NOT a qualitative one.

  4. I am in a similar situation.  I am a week overdue for my period - my nipples are sore, feeling a little queasy - but I keep getting negative test results.  I am going to give it a few more days, then go to the doc if nothing happens.  It is really hard to not get excited when you are wanting a BFP so bad!! I hope that you get yours with the blood test!

  5. I hope the blood test clears it up for you! For some reason the HPT pee tests don't work for everyone. They are not perfect. There are even some people who get a negative blood test and go on to have a baby - there are no rules! Good luck!

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