
Hoping To Adopt a child of any do you feel about kids being raised by families of another race?

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Feel free to email me, too. We know our little one is out there somewhere and just want to be prepared as best we can for when she comes home!!




  1. I think that people that have problems with people of different races adopting their "own race" children is just stupid.  If they are so worried about it why are they not stepping up to the challenge then?   I think it is wonderful what you are planning to do, no matter what the race, as long as the child has a loving and understanding home that just wants the best for the kid, it shouldn't matter.  Like everyone else said, if you do decide to adopt out of your own race, I would do all the studying up and reading on their culture ,etc so you can race your child to know both worlds. :)  Good luck and congradulations on your decision!   I wish there were more of you in the world.

  2. I have a couple of friends who were adopted by a different race than themselves.  They have more stories of how horrible it was growing up.  They loved their family and felt they raised them really well.  They knew everything about their culture and were proud to be black (the other Chinese) but being raised by a white family really raised huge psychological issues they are still working through, and they are now over 18 years of age.  They tell me (because I'm looking to adopt), "Adopt someone who looks like yourself!"

  3. i think it would be wonderful!

    althoug i have no personal experience, it sounds great.

    why not?

    when you love someone , you love someone, doesnt matter how they look. it can be a great experince for everyone

  4. I dont see anything wrong with it although I think the child should be educated about their culture properly.

  5. I think its wonderful, just make sure you share the child's culture with them.  Its very important for their self esteem.  Especially if you live in an area the is not racially diverse.

  6. I think it's fine so long as you allow them to know the culture they came from.  

    My neighbor has a son who was adopted from Guatemala, he is "learning" Spanish and will probably learn Portugese as well.  They plan to adopt a girl from there in a few years, once he is in Kindergarten and their other (adopted from a friend) is in Preschool.

  7. You know I'm curious about this too.  We were just approved to adopt and all the children we have inquired about are African American, we are Caucasian.  We don't have a problem with it but I have wondered if others would, especially other African Americans.  But at the same time if anyone does have a problem with it, then it's just that...their problem, because what these kids need most is a good, loving, stable home!  Good luck on finding your little's exciting isn't it?!

  8. just treat her as your own.  Tell them when you think it is right for them to know that they are adopted.  Let them be curious about their maternal family.  just make sure that they have a healthy life.  I see nothing wrong with it and I think that it is a wonderful way of contributing to the world

    have fun!

  9. i dont see anything wrong w it as long as u teach them about there own race.

  10. I think that it is fine! I have friends who are adopted from another country (and their parents are of the same race). They don't have any problems with it.

  11. My husband and I are white and we have adopted an african american child.  She was 22 hours old when we got to the hospital to meet her!  I think that raising a child of another race is not a problem, just help them understand the heritage and culture.  

    I would like to share some information about our adoption agency.  Family To Family Adoption Inc.  they are from Richmond Texas, but work with adoptive couples and birthmothers from all over the country.  Their website is and their number is 281-342-4042.  I do not know if you have already decided what agency to use.  But the ladies at Fam2Fam are great.  They truely allow you to feel like part of the family.  With being willing to adopt any race, we didn't wait very long to be matched with them.  They have amazing stories of some of the other adoptions they have worked with.  

    The waiting is the worst.  Just make sure that you have everything in order.  Do you have a homestudy done?  Do you have your home child proofed?  Do you have an extra bedroom in your house that will be the childs room?  Do you know what type of adoption you are willing to go with?  Do you know what type of situations you will say yes to?

    Good luck!  Hope that I have helped a little.

  12. As long as the family has love for the child and is able to provide for them the color of child or adoptive parents does not matter.   There are some factors you have to think about when you adopt transracial. Like will your family be accepting of this child that isn't the color you all are. If you not you'd have to make some decisions like adopting a child of the same color as you or one your family (or one they would accept) would accept or adopting the child anyways and have little to do with your kin that have a problem with it.  You'd also have to think about the area you live in as you wouldn't want to take in a child if you lived in a predominantly racist area.

    You'd have to be accustomed to stares people I’m afraid are very arrogant so your likely to get some looks when your out in public with your child. You just really have to let it roll of your shoulder. Parents who have natural mixed race children often get looks and stares as well.  Obviously dealing with racism would be an issue that would have to be dealt with but depending on the age of your child you’d have a lot of time to read up on it.

  13. I feel that all children should be with loving families. Race should not be an issue. I have wanted to adopt children of other races since I was a young girl and still hope to be able to offer my home and love to them.Best of luck to you and your family. Your child will be very loved!

  14. There are issues you need to be prepared for when you adopt a child of another race.  If you, however, read a lot of books on the topic of interracial adoption and on adoption in general (including loss, grief, attachment, etc.) and you'll be better prepared.

    Pull yourself together a good support group of people who have done it before so you can glean wisdom from them.

    Find a good counselor, too, so that you and your child can talk about any issues with someone who can help.  That counselor should have bunches of experience in adoption.

    We're white as rice and we adopted to Latin American girls a couple of years ago.  It's not been totally smooth, but it's been a wonderful thing for all of us.


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