
Hoping someone can help explain this please ......?

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I was in my kitchen yesterday with my 6 month old daughter . I had my back to her ,and heard her "talking" ,and giggling . When I turned there was a little girl standing beside my daughter. This little girl I seen was the splitting image of my niece who passed away when she was 11 months old in 2000 . I even described the clothes my niece was wearing the night she died to my sister in law ,and I hadnt ever known this fact. All day in my house weird things happened brothers cell phone called me while no one was touching it , things fell off my wall that had been there for months ,and had never fallen before, my daughters toy played music by itself . I am a believer in paranormal ,so my question is this ....WHen you pass on do you stay the age you were on earth ??? And if so then my niece would still be an infant ,so how could I have seen her as a little girl about 8 or 9 ish ??? Also I have lived in my house for about 6 years why would this happen now ?? Thanks for any help




  1. I do believe loved ones can come back to visit, it doesn't matter what age they were when they passed, they can choose to be any age they feel most comfortable with.  

    Children and animals are very sensitive and can see and sense things others can't.

    I don't believe you have anything to be worried about if no harm has come to you or your family.

  2. I think generally you stay the same age, but then again, not many babies haunt places. I think anything's probably possible, and it's possible that her spirit could manifest in a manner that would have shown her true spirit had your niece lived.

  3. I am not sure how we age in the spirit world.

    Because no one really knows, this very well could be your niece

    She may have a connection to your daughter and has been with her since you brought her home.

    It is not uncommon for children to haunt do to their ability to understand what has happened. However you should try to find out if this is truly your niece. If she appears to be around 8 then you should be able to speak to her. Try asking her questions Like her name and why she is there. Use a recorder and take your time. If you don't want to do that you can use the knock if your there method.

    If it is your niece and you are worried for your niece's spirit try

    to ask her to  go on.  If it isn't your niece just tell her to go on in a polite way.

  4. This things not just happened to you but to many people. You don't state what was the cause of the child's death but I can say that the child spirit is just roaming around with his/her family but no you have a child maybe she wants to play or she can see herself in your baby. Best for you to do is call a priest to bless your house and the room where the baby dies and pray for the child's soul to rest in peace.

  5. I don't want to give an answer that would scare you, but I will give my honest best. I do know from experience though that when you have a 6 mo old baby in the house, you don't sleep!  And that can lead to everything that goes along with chronic sleepiness/fatigue, including hallucinations. No doubt you've never forgotten your little niece, especially with a little girl of your own in the house, so it's not that unexpected that she might be the subject of a hallucination if you're having them. The other things you mentioned are common occurrences that happen to a lot of people.

    I know you believe in the paranormal while I don't, but I think it's worthwhile to consider these events from a different perspective.

  6. Sometimes a spirit will borrow a familiar image in order to infiltrate a home and get the details a bit wrong. For some reasons a baby will be attractive to a passing spirit and become active. This may or may not be your neice - if she wasn't aware of her death then she may have grown a bit in the spirit world - highly unlikely because no one knows for sure how the spirits world works.

  7. I think it is your niece.  Did the activity begin after your daughter was born?  

    Even though she was so young when she passed, her spirit/soul is ageless as we all are.  It sounds like she is just being playful and likes being around your daughter.  She either is visiting due to your daughter or is not aware she has passed.  She may also be there to look after your baby.  If the activity doesn't bother you and is playful and harmless, embrace it and enjoy the fact your daughter has a guardian looking out for her.  If it does bother you or you think she should move on, when she is around - tell her to go into the light and that your daughter will be fine..etc.

    Hope it helps,,if I can help, let me know

  8. When you die you can take any age you want, time and the physical body have no meaning. Your niece comes to play with her little cousin. I feel she has moved on and is not a ghost but a spirit. The other things could be her way of getting your attention. Tell her you appreciate her  and love her but she has to stop knocking things off the wall. When her birthday comes be sure to celebrate it, just you and your baby, so not to upset her parents. Visit her grave and leave flowers. If the activity increases and worries you then have her leave.

  9. Yes, your age will stay the same.

    That little girl you seen probably was not your niece.  I would say, the little girl was a spirit that is attracted to your daughter.

    Have you done any remolding?  Sometimes a change will bring about spirit activity.

  10. well she wants to tell you something. and she must of been years right? so she must of age when she was in her spirit. so she wants to tell you should listen, she might help you save you life. She maybe doesn't want you to face the same fate she did. Think about that.

  11. Count as blessing please.

    I do think it kind of your niece to make herself known.

    I suggest you offer her presence your understanding, as she is most likely there to deliver you a message.

    No use to fear.

    Likely your daughter may benefit from your heed.

    be well.

  12. If you feel like this could be a paranormal experience why not get a local paranormal team  to investigate, get a team that are scientific about paranormal issues,,,,not a group thats will telll you what you want to hear,,,just my 2 cents if you need to contact such a group let me know ,,,,you will not be charged for anything,,,just pm me you area and i will find the nearsest group to you,,i myself live in ireland and i am part of a paranormal team but i have been doing this for the last 20 years and i have contacts for such teams,,,if you want ,,,

    thank you for sharing this information with us.

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