
Hoping someone can help me i am looking to start a new hobby?

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Hi guys please help me i need to get a new hobby that will help with lack of funds at the moment something that will keep me busy not cost a lot to do and is not too fiddly does anyone have any good suggestions please?

PS: i am a hairdresser and massage therapist so something in that line might be good or even totally random ideas




  1. Try bird watching, its free and once you start going for walks to spot birds, is good for your health.

  2. Sounds like you don't want a hobby, you want another source of income.  That is not a hobby.  

    Anyway, have you ever made jewelry?  You can buy the supplies and beads at Hobby Lobby and then sell the results to whoever.  Also, I see a lot of "shadowboxes" being used in decorating.  You can go to a thrift shop to get frames with a deep inset and glue photos and tiny objects artfully and people may want to buy the results as decorations to hang on the wall.  Try for "themes" like something you may want to hang in a bathroom or kitchen, or something for people to buy as a gift (world's favorite Dad with golf photos and supplies glued on).  Also - antique buttons.  You can get plain t-shirts at Hobby Lobby for less than $5.00 and sew several antique buttons around the collar to decorate it.  Maybe even sew in a lace doily in the center of the t-shirt.  Those are pretty.  Be sure to wash everything before you sew with it so it gets any shrinking out of the way before it is worn.

    Have fun.

  3. Jogging, Running, Walking, Rock Climbing etc etc these are all free.

  4. You could ring up local old people's home, ask if you can do hair cuts etc at reduced rates. They might also benefit from a massage!

    Or something completely different, what about dress making? You can buy really cheap sewing machines these days, bit fabric from market stalls, sell curtains, cushion covers, duvets or clothes etc online!

  5. hi. look massage therapist has a good future all over the world. so u can start wid u frnds b taking a small amount  and spread the cycle

    massage doesnt cost a much compared to others

  6. when someone says hobby i always think of old people collecting stamps, lol..

    but no, seriously.. i like to play about with cameras, different angles, people or place, viewpoints, pictures that tell you something about someone.. i just love it! maybe you could play about with your camera if you have one?

  7. How about joining a local amateur drama group. You may be able to help out in the wig department. If there are some elderly performers then a bit of massaging on their old bones might make for better performances.

  8. KNITTING!  I'm addicted.  You can get a skein of Red Heart yarn for between $2 - $3 and a pair of knitting needles.  You can either find a yarn store close to you that has open knitting sessions where someone can show you how to start or you can go to the library and get a book.  For knitting needles, you can go to a home improvement store and get  some different sized wooden dowels, and using a pencil sharpener, you can make needles very cheaply.. and you can make them any length you want.  Then you can make scarves, hats, gloves, blankets.. whatever and sell them.  You can sometimes get a good return on your projects. (Don't listen to the 'sell your crafts for good money' books that tell you to keep a running total of the time you spent on the project and charge $10/hour of time plus the cost of materials because it will be difficult to find someone to pay $300+ on a blanket for their couch).  I find it relaxing and enjoyable.  I just can't bring myself to sell anything I make. :)

    And if you are making a scarf or hat it's totally portable and you can take it to the park, or work, or on the bus and work on it a little bit at a time, instead of having to sit in one place for hours and hours because it's too bulky to take with you.

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