
Hoping to get fit/cycle a century..?

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i currently can cycle 6 miles reletavely comfortably on a hybrid bike..

i was just wondering how many miles per day i should try and cycle, and if anyone can maybe help me with a basic training program.. nutrition etc.

I havnt attemtped to cycle more than 6 miles really, but i am going to do so soon.

i was wondering weather i should really really push myself,

because i could probably, pushing myself achieve about 20 miles ish.

I am hoping to cycle a century eventually and genuinly get fitter.





  1. All you're doing by cycling 6 miles is exercising your leg muscles- cycling that distance isn't going to improve your aerobic fitness levels. Instead of worrying about how many miles a day you should cycle I'd be looking to do one or two good long distance cycles a week, maybe 20 miles or so as that will improve your stamina and condition.  

  2. Ride away from the start point until you get tired then turn around and go back.

  3. I'm a forty-something guy and rode my first century this year.  I am registered to do another in October.  I started last year by cycling to work once a week.  Only 12 miles each way, but it was a start.  

    The big leap was joining a bicycle club.  My local bike store (a Trek dealership) had a free "Train for a Century" club with rides every Saturday.  The mileage increases every week until you can do a full hundred.  

    There is a world of difference between riding by yourself and riding with a group.  The group pulls you along and motivates you to improve.

    Good luck!

  4. Check your local library or bookseller for "Bicycling Magazine's Century Training Program (100 Days to 100 Miles)" by Marla Streb.  You'll find many answers to questions you haven't yet anticipated in addition to some of those you already have.

    In short, you'll need to ride more...much more.  If you are overweight, out of shape, or just want to have a visual on what your heart is doing during your rides, buy a heart rate monitor.

    Learn to eat foods that give your body energy for those longer rides.  Also, your muscles need to recover via rest and nutrition for increased performance.

    It might be more realistic to get comfortable with riding 15 miles...then 20, 25+ before first.

    Also, that's a great program Mike R mentioned.  And I agree that a riding partner can make those longer rides seem much shorter.

  5. The best way to get fit is to do sets, push yourself as hard and as fast for 2 minutes then cool down for 5 minutes and repeat many times, this is one of the most effective work outs.

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