
Hoping to go to Egypt , any tips?

by Guest33272  |  earlier

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Hoping to go to Egypt in september. Any recomenations on what airport to fly into & Where to stay So we can get the most out of our holiday.




  1. your money is going to go a lot farther there so don't worry! About $75 USD = 300 Egyptian LBS

    there are guided tours, I suggest you find them online and contact them to get the tours lined out

    take your camera

  2. Visit Cairo and also visit Luxor, at Luxor take the boat trip. Visit Carnac, valley of the kings and queens. Lots to see.

    But, take a male companion or two and dye your hair dark brown or black. I don't like the heat/sun so am generally well covered up, I don't dress provocatively at any time. But still....

  3. A group of us (4) went to Egypt the end of Feb. and beginning of March and had a blast! We flew on EgyptAir through JFK and it was a direct flight to Cairo International Airport, and was a very long 10 hour flight. Return trip back was over 12 hours long. We went with Trafalgar Tours and there was only one other tourist in our group and he was from Mexico. We saw all the sights of Cairo from the famous Pyramids and Sphynx to the Mosque of Mohamed Ali. Other spots in Cairo is the Old City were you experience Coptic Christianity and see the first Synagogue (Jewish), and where Mother Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus fled Israel and hid out in Egypt. There's also the Egyptian Museum and yes it will cost you 100 Egyptian Pounds (the exchange rate was 5.4 Egyptian Pounds to $1 US Dollar by the way) to get into the Royal Mummies rooms and it is well worth the money. Finally, was the huge Market (Bazaar, and I forgot its name, sorry) that sells everything under the sun.

    Speaking of Bazaars WATCH OUT while over there as the name of the game is hagling (or bargining for a cheaper price). Each little shop has a shopkeeper and they are not afraid at all to get right into your face (just inches away, if you are in a very crowded area) and try their hardest to get you into their shops. If you do not want to buy anything do not even look at any of the shops and totally ignore the vendors as they will not leave you alone and will follow you all over. Now, if you plan on buying something do not accept the first offer that the vendor says it's worth barter with him on a much lower price and be very good at this as you can make out like a theif on Egyptian goods.

    Also, watch out for the Security Guards and other locals at the historical sites you will visit. The Guards like to get your attention and take you behind a large statue or other objects just to get their picture with them and it will cost you a few Pounds. If a local comes up to you and starts telling you about what you are looking at and he gives you a story that will cost you a few pounds as well. There are all sorts of little things over there that you may never think that costs money.

    Lastly, are the toilets (or Loos, if you will). They are called Waterclosets over there and it will cost you at least 1 Egyptian Pound each and every time you go to the bathroom as they are all staffed by bathroom attendents and they have to get paid to clean up the loo. Also, take plenty of toilet paper with you as many of the loos do not have any toilet paper.

    Yes, go and have a blast as it is a trip of a lifetime, believe me, but do watch out for all of the little "traps" to get your hardern money from you. The crime is very low over there as it is a Muslim state, but they are not ashamed of robbing you blind by charging high prices for a Galabia (Egyptian Traditional Dress) or for anything else.

    Wish I could go back as it was cool to hear the "Call to Prayer" each and every day (they sing their call to prayer 5 times a day starting every morning @ 6 AM).

    Lastly, DO take a Nile River Cruise as it is a very relaxing way of spending your vacation and you get a chance to see what life is like along the Nile River.

  4. you have beautiful answers .

    read them carefully and do what you think is right for you.

  5. I went to Egypt last February. Absolutley incredible. It will be the best vacation you ever go on.

    I suggest that you fly into Cario International Airport. While in Cario, I suggest that you wither stay in the Sheraton or the Grand Hyatt, both very nice hotels, with very frienndly and reliable staff, and you can get great views of the Nile and the Pyramids.

    While in Cairo, be sure to do these:

    The Pyramids and Sphinx, the Cairo Museum (pay the small extra fee to get into the Royal Mummies room), sound and light show at night at the pyramids and sphinx, take a 30 minute car ride to Saqqara and Memphis to see the step pyramid and statues of Ramses II. Check out one of the  night markets as well, while in Cairo.

    Definatley go to Luxor (I suggest taking a plane). Visit the Valley of the Kings and go into royal tombs. Pay two extra fees, one for the tomb and mummy of Tut Ankh Amun, and another to get into the tomb of Ramses VI, an amazing tomb.

    Also be sure to go to Tuthmosis III's tomb, very cool.

    While in Luxor be sure to also visit Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple. I suggest that you stay in the Sheraton while in Luxor.

    Take an hour flight to Abu Simbel, and spend about 2 or three hours at Ramses II's Great Temple, and the temple he built for Nefertari. They are absolutley amazing.

    I would also suggest going to Aswan, but it is not necassary.

    Here you can see the Aswan High Dam, Philae Temple, and you can take a beautiful Falca cruise down the Nile.

    Have a great time in Egypt!


    My only tip that I tell everyone is, DO NOT GO WITH A TOUR GROUP. Hire a private tour guide. It is not that much more expensive, and you will enjoy Egypt A LOT better. With a tour group, you are rushed at all of the sites, and do not get any time to take in the experience.

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