
Hormones getting the best of me??

by  |  earlier

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I am 16 and I just recently had my first hook up(however, I was under the influence). I do regret it a lot, but I still crave it sort of, if that makes sense. It is now always on my mind. I want to be out there with guys all the time now. Before I wasn't boy crazy at all and felt so mature about it. Now it's the opposite. What will help with this? It is normal right? Were you like this?

And please- no lectures about drinking.




  1. Just don't drink to the point where you are not in control, drink responsibly   and don't put yourself in a position where you can be taken advantage of because you have drunk too much.  

  2. This is totally normal for your age. My moms a nurse and dads a dr. and teens come in all the time with the same problem. Just dont have s*x again is what they say and it goes away about 2 months later :]

    Hope i helped :]

  3. I was somewhat like that when I was younger but I have a lot of regrets now. If your going to drink do it with your friends around so they can keep you from making mistakes, you don't want to end up being a teenage mother because of a drunken night.

  4. It is 100% normal 16 YO behavior to have those feelings.  So don't worry about that at all.  It's biology at work.  Ever have a cat or dog go into heat?  Being 16-18 is the human version of being in heat.

    So remind yourself that.  "It's my body wanting this, it's not me.  And I know better than biology what is right for me."

    Think of it like you're driving a car, and there is a small monkey in the passenger seat trying to drive you off into a ditch.  You should drive the car, not the monkey, follow me?

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