
Horoscope Q/A's (, one last question for the night?

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I always enjoy when I can 'browse' through the horoscope section of Y/A! I will leave my last question with you guys who also love this section....................................

Ever listen to a song and you can't help but 'feel' it? Feel what the person may have felt when they wrote the lyrics, feel how the person felt as they played the piano and so on....? (How much meaning and feeling that can go into one piece of music/art amazes me everytime!) Doesn't it make you appreciate it that much more when you can 'feel' it?

can you 'feel' something from this.......

Hopefully its something good! ? ;)


what is your sign and what are you really passionate about?

what makes your heart sing?




  1. Love the song. It made me smile. :)

    I am passionate about my family and life in general. I love to look at the beautiful world and what it has to offer. To be alive is something worth being happy about, it definitely makes my heart sing. Love your question. Good night to you too!

    Sun: Virgo (8th house)

    Moon: Libra (9th house)

    Rising: Capricorn

    Venus: Virgo (8th house)

  2. *I love that song..just to let you know...*

    I'm a virgo.

    And I really love to sing. Its one of my top passions. It really does make my heart "sing". ^_^

  3. It takes a good heart to feel the music the way you do.....thanks for the song....I feel it too. Of course it takes a heart felt song as well...some of the stuff now days only touches my off button.

    Cusp of  Virgo & Libra...first day of Autum

    My passion...Vitraux, or the art of Stained Glass

    My heart song,  another matter what color

  4. Yeah to the bset of my knowledge i know how the person felt when they wrote that song and sang it i like that song always have. I am a libra and im really passionate about music and art there is nothing i love better they speak to you the instruments give the emotion and the words try they're best to express that emotion. that song makes me feel as thought i can accomplish anything.

    and art does so much to your mind like an expansion of consciousness and the unconscious.

    What makes my heart sing is making music with my best friends and having a good conversation with friends looking at art (Jackson Pollock one of my favourites)

    To feel is to really understand and live such an amazing thing that i cant even put into words its just there its real its what makes us REALLY live and love

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