
Horoscope question: sun moon and rising?

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what does it mean when someone asks you what you are and people say

sun: ....whatever

moon: whatever

and rising.

like why are there three thingies.

sorry i didn't really make any sense cuz i don't understand it.




  1. I fully understand your question, although the answer is somewhat elusive.

    My Sun sign is Scorpio. My "rising" is Aries. Rising sign in astrology points to your general personality. My personality is like the Aries sign. Since Aries is the first "house" I tend to be a self-starter, forward and leader.

    Learn about the HOUSES and then you will begin to understand.

  2. There's a lot more to Astrology than just your Sun Sign. The Sun Sign is the Sign that everyone says they are. Like if someone says "I'm a Cancer." It means their Sun is in Cancer, according to the Tropical Zodiac. Same with the Moon and Rising, they just say which signs those entities were in.

    Go to:

    Setup an account and get a free personality reading.

  3. "The Moon is said to rule your personality, while the Sun rules your individuality, while the Ascendant Sun dictates our outer appearance and mannerisms."

    Fill this up to find out your signs.


    Explains it pretty much.

    Go to Understanding astrology>Introduction to astrology,it shows you an introsuction,and then by the left size,it says 'planets,houses' and stuff,click on these in order to read.

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