
Horoscope section: What do you think about fate and love?

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Do u think that fate and love walk hand in hand? Or do you think that they have nothing to do w/ one another? Do we meet people for a reason in life?

Please state your Venus, Mars, and Moon sign

Thanks in Advance!!!




  1. Yes i believe in fate and i think we meet some people for a reason however we will never know what the reason is to meet that person and then lose him/her i find that life is like a riddle you don't get to know what you really want to know.

  2. Yes, I do-, just like I believe in free-will. Afterall, free-will is what we make of life of our own decisions. And without making those decisions will we get anywhere in life, so imho - there are intertwined almost like a one persons genes being made into one, from two parents (to make one or so child.)

    Without decisions, there is no life,

    without life- there is no fate or destiny

    and without no destiny- there is no outcome.

    Just like it's was destiny that you are here, and that you are you and not someone else. And besides it's only natural for some to NOT believe in such a thing as fate or destiny- otherwise we would all be the same or think the same, Now wouldn't that be boring?? For some to believe and not believe, that is. I think it's better that way that it is like that.

    Otherwise how is it that some ppl know when they've found their soul-mate and not others? B/c some ppl are aware and open to the idea while others who can't are not but only continue to struggle in relationships or move on from one guy/girl to the next cos they don't even know what it is they are looking for, and then continue to ask themselves ' why can't I be happy or find love?' They claim to do so but are blind when it passes them by or it's in front of their face but wasn't able to realize it then or at the moment cos of their refusal to accept the unknown.

    Cos it's pretty surprising if you think about it but some ppl are so stubborn and fixed and that they actually think that way and believe it ---> That they map out their own destiny but when all goes wrong- they blame it on God or hold other ppl responsible for their own actions- which is so lame and selfish of them.

    I noticed sometimes that some ppl blame God when disaster strikes or when somone chooses to do wrong, like kill masses when it was one souls decision to do so- which is complete hypocrisy- but I guess it's only ironic (or logical in their opinion) for some to pass blame to those they don't believe in.

    ** Sorry for veering off topic here but I had to finish my point but Yes, I believe they do. Some will believe and some not.

  3. I think we do meet people for a reason but I don't think fate and love walks hand in hand - some people you meet are just plain nasty while some are there to help

    Venus: Capricorn

    Mars: Scorpio

    Moon: Virgo

  4. Moon Leo

    Venus Aquarius

    Mars Gemini

    hi  life is an illusion ,it's only a projection of your mind

    .so you might think that you live an everyday  reality and there is this fate ruling everything and that fate decides whether you meet the one or another ,but have you considered that everything might be a dream within a dream and other people don't really exist  but you dream different  roles and acting different  parts of yourself just exactly as you  do when you dream :watching people do things and interact when their are not actually there.

  5. Hi Kelly,

    I like this question and i firmly believe in both fate and love,and it's because i think that sometimes you can find someone in your life that you " just know" you click with,and it's a heartfelt feeling that you have that you know this particular person is the person for you.Sometimes you can meet someone in life that makes a deep impression on you,and then just leaves you for no reason,but this is something that usually happens when you least expect it to,but it does,and when people do come into our lives sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad it just depends on how you take it.I have met many people in my life that i thought could have been a soul mate or a partner for life,and as it turns out i was wrong,but to answer your question i think that "sometimes" it can happen that we meet people by fate,and not even realize thats the person that is mean't for us,but usually we don't even recognize it,because we are so wrapped up in our own lives at the moment that we just don't see it,and sometimes when your not looking is when you will find that special someone,but it almost seems like a contradiction,because sometimes people  kind of pop into you life for the moment and then automatically leave as fast as they came into it,and i'm only speaking from personal experience.I think that if you idealize love and the powers of fate like i do you sometimes come to the realization that if you have patience,and faith that whatever love has in store for you will be around the corner when you "least" expect it.

  6. At the moment I think that fate and love might just be illusions that we create to keep us from throwing ourselves off of tall buildings.

    Yes, we meet people for a reason.  But not always the reason we first think.


  7. When love comes, it comes.  You just have to wait for it.

    Venus in Scorpio

    Mars in Sagittarius

    Moon in Aquarius

  8. Hi Kelly,

    I have to admit I don't believe in coincidence...I think everything really happens for a reason (independently of whether we're able to see it or not).

    However, I have a hard time deciding on the love and fate part...Fate implies that things are set in a certain way and most probably we're not able to change them...I don't agree with that one, because I do believe in free will...

    So, I guess I'd say that life brings you whatever is "meant" for you, but you *still* have the chance to choose what to do with the kind of people you come across...

    There, I think fatalism and free will meet half way.- I hope I make sense now, hehe...

  9. I absolutely DO believe in fate & love, having been re-united  with my ex at an old friends' house one night.

    I went out with him during my turbulent teenage years, and I must admit, I treated him horribly when we were together the first time. But he stayed with me for 2 years, because he really loved me unconditionally, and didn't want me to continue down the road I was on. Unfortunately, in the end, he broke up with me because I was too unstable, and I broke his heart too many times.

    It was a miracle the second time around, because that night we were re-united, I was in such a lonely, & depressed  state of mind, because of the wrong choices I had made in my life at the time, that I was considering suicide.

    I was home alone, drunk, crying, & feeling used by all the a******s I was seeing, I had no job, no confidence, and no future. I was actually thinking of him when the phone rang..I wasn't even going to answer it but thankfully I did, because it was him on the other end...we hadn't seen or spoke to each other in 10 years!

    He was at an old mutual friend's house & he invited me over for a beer. I accepted. I couldn't believe it was actually HIM, I was so relieved & excited to see him, I was there in 10 min flat! We hooked up that night, and we've been together ever since! We are now living together for the past 4 years, and I owe him my life...:) We haven't spent a night apart since, and we are madly in love.

    He has finally made me realize what I great, loving person I can be, and has helped me put my life back together finally, after all these years. I now care about myself, I've gained so much confidence and changed my destructive lifestyle, all thanks to his patience, love, & belief in the real me..if it wasn't for that chance encounter, I wouldn't be here writing about this.

    So, you ask if I believe in fate & true love-absolutely! We are living proof of that!!! ;D

    >Venus in Libra

    >Mars in Libra

    >Moon in Virgo

    *I'm a Virgo/Libra cusp with Scorpio rising, he's a red-blooded "BULL" ;)

  10. Yes I do  think that fate and love walk hand in hand. I believe in fate and when I do meet that special man I will learn to love him and accept him for what he is.

  11. I think fate and everything for that matter, (not just love) walk "hand in hand"...(as you put it).  But, I also believe in consciousness.  If you have the opportunity to fall in love or get a great job or find a missing treasure, but are not aware of it, it doesn't mean that it wasn't mean to be.  It just means that you either were not intelligent, sensitively aware of the situation.  

    I'm not going to list my Venus/Mars/Moon, because I don't believe that has anything to do with fate.

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