
Horoscopes, why does anyone believe them.?

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I can never understand why people believe in Horoscopes when you can pick up a dozen different papers and each one has a different Horoscope in it. I was born under the sign of Cancer and when I read what a Cancerian person is supposed to be like, it is nothing like me. Maybe a personal horoscope would be different but the ones in the papers are just so much rubbish. Does anyone agree with me.




  1. I tend to believe the daily scopes are too generic. But one time I had my chart done, with birth time, place, etc. and found my rising and midheaven positions, and my moon sign, etc.... A lot of things made sense that way, when you have a full picture and even though it's not a hard science, I am interested in anything that helps me understand my relationships with people better. Gullibility is the wrong word for this in my opinion...more like curiosity.

  2. Some mugs look to them for comfort

  3. You don't have to believe it, if you feels it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out.  I jsut think the zodiacs are just for fun^^

  4. I'm the same.  I'm a Sagittarius and when I read the traits that I'm supposed to have, its nothing like me either.  I don't believe in horoscopes, especially ones written in the newspapers, but I still find myself reading them now and then, hoping to find that something nice is coming my way, lol.

  5. its diff people dif way of thinking. no one can blame anyone .

    as long as ones horoscopic beleives doesnt affect someoneelse its okay..

  6. The horoscopes in the paper deal only with the sun sign,so of course it's going to be generic. A chart that is done correctly, calculating from exact time of birth and exact location of birth, can give a picture of where the planets and points of interest were at that time.  Calculations are then made for the relationships between each of the planet to each and every other planet and point of interest.  Planets are put into houses, which have also been mathematically calculated. Then the aspects(the interactions) between planet, houses and points are calculated to determine how they interact with each other and the stage upon which they do so.  After all this the interpretations are made and  Astrologers ALWAYS stress that people have  free will and that the chart is simply a road map for a life.  You can take the suggested turn or not;if you do, this could happen, if you don't this could happen, which do you want?  So you can see, no BS just suggestions from a vantage point  you can't see. And help if you want to take it.

  7. u may have other signs and planets in your chart that dominate over your sun sign of cancer.  you may have a moon sign of libra for example, that is many more degrees into that house of your chart than your sun sign is in its house.  it all depends. if you gave me your birthtime, birthplace, and your exact birthdate, i could do a chart for you, and help you make more sense of yourself and why you dont feel so cancerian.  but i need all that info first.  dont hesistate to email me if you are interested and i will do it for free.

  8. only the gullible

  9. Sheeple will believe what they are told to believe without asking the "Why" of it all. Horoscopes are obvious fakes. Another person can't script out for you what you can expect to happen, because it is the unknown. Do you realize how many of these "astrologers" get divorced, have abusive relationships, or even die of a disease that could have been treated "If only they had known about it sooner". If they have all the answers, then why is it that they have sucky lives?

  10. Not true! I get my 'scope from The Onion. They get it right. Here are some for this week.

    Your Birthday Today

    A combination of hubris, treachery, and everyday low prices will soon mark the end of your reign as Mattress King.

    Aries March 21 - April 19

    There's nothing quite like the love of a real woman. Then again, if the plaster sets properly and the paint dries evenly, you'll have the next best thing.

    Taurus April 20 - May 20

    The answer you've been searching for lies right in front of your face, though it's difficult to make out with all that cheesecake in the way.

    Gemini May 21 - June 21

    You didn't get into plumbing for the fame, the fortune, or the women. But one severely backed-up toilet will soon change all of that.

    Cancer June 22 - July 22

    Turns out beauty marks are smaller than a grapefruit in size, are generally symmetrical in shape, and don't grow at the base of one's brain.

    Leo July 23 - August 22

    You'll fail to find happiness at the bottom of a bottle this week, but by that point you'll be too drunk to really care.

    Virgo August 23 - September 22

    All of your sins will come back to haunt you— especially those involving boomerangs, tether-balls, and vengeful homing pigeons.

    Libra September 23 - October 23

    Your financial situation takes a turn for the worse this week when that d**n quarter slips loose and falls behind a sofa cushion.

  11. Because some people lead empty lives.

    Some people are gullible

    Some people need to believe in something.

    Personally they should just use a cold reading script off the Internet and cut out the middleman

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