
Horoscopes: dO u aCT lIKE ur Sign?

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Hey im a cap and I seriously dont act like my sign: Im off the wall energy, happy, always telling jokes, I love hard work, i like to be doing something with importance (but importance to me is having a good time), my sign really doesnt sound like me!

anybody else can relate I really want to know if your sign really fits your personality cause mines dont!




  1. If you met me in person and knew enough about astrology you probably wouldn't say I'm a sagittarius except I do laugh all the time at like everything. But I'm very quiet and private. I'm much more of a listener then a talker. Although I think I act a lot like my sign but I guess I have to be comfortable enough with the person to show that side of me.

  2. omg yesssssssss ! hello im a virgo and i feel like im nothing like what they say i actually asked the same question on here and i feel like im more expressive and out there and like to tell jokes and all of that and more but i deff. don't feel like my sign at all.

  3. for sure i do! stubborn, homebody, smart, musical, intense, longing-for-love, s**y, freaky, different, dark, a bit fickle sometimes, peacemaker and earthy.

  4. im a cap too. and im mostly what it says. im not that materalistic though or reserved.and i dont like hard work.hahaa.both other than that i would say yeahh.

  5. Yeah actually.. I read about scorpios in wikipedia, and it sounds ALOT like me. Just in case you want to know more, check out the link below. :]

  6. lol i sure do im honestly awfully terrible when making decisions

  7. I'm a cancer and i act just like my sign.

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