
Horoscopes (the future) ....?

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i am 17 turnin 18 soon

i am always gettin hurt while in love

i really want to just find a nice boy or girl ( am bisexual )

that will treat me right .. and soon hopefully

i am totally in love with this girl but she says she does not feel that way even though she will kiss me & flirt etc .. does she scared to love me because i am a girl?

will we ever be together

if not will i ever find my true love soon :-( ?

i am a scorpio




  1. Well maybe that girl is not 100% bisexual.

    You need to find a guy,since they are almost always attrcated to girls.There are more guys that are attrcated to girls than girls that are attracted to girls.

    Find a Cancer/Pisces.

  2. Drop this girl and move on. Male or female is not the problem here. You are too sensitive and find someone who will apprecitate you for what you have to offer and as for this girl that doesn't feel what you feel, DUMP HER AND DUMP HER FAST.

    You deserve better than that.What surprises me the most if your rising Scorpio. You should have the capacity to see right through this so-called lovers or friends and where they are going.

    Use that penetrating gift and forget the fooling around and searching from one flower to another.

  3. There is always that one guy or girl out there for anyone.

    Lots of single people that wants a relationship. Won't be hard to not stay single

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